[CALL] Understanding Science Funding


Deadline: ongoing (01.01.2024 – 31.12.2026)

The new "Understanding Science" funding programme of the Vienna Business Agency has launched: It supports communication measures to make the results of research and science in the STEM fields understandable and easily accessible to a wide audience.

Do you want to make your scientific work understandable for a wider audience? If you're looking to explain topics from MINT fields (mathematics, IT, natural sciences, and technology) in simple terms by organising an event on the subject, presenting the results in a media format – such as a video or newsletter – or on your social media channels, then the Understanding Science Funding is right for you. Book a consultation with us to expedite the launch of your development proposal.

What is funded?

We provide Understanding Science Funding to assist in communication activities that aim to present research and scientific results in an understandable and easily accessible manner. You can apply for Understanding Science Funding to cover payroll costs, costs for services, including fees for speakers or knowledge procurement, travel expenses for speakers, moderators, or lecturers, for the purchase of machines or licenses, and for the acquisition of intellectual property rights.

Facts about Understanding Science Funding:

Maximum funding amount:

60,000 euros per development proposal

Co-funding rate:

maximum 75%

Minimum project value:

10,000 euros


Who is eligible?

Universities, universities of applied sciences, associations, non-university research institutions, and organisations.

Business sectors:

Companies and organisations in the social, research, and educational sectors.

Eligible costs:

Payroll costs for employees and self-employed contractors, for partners and owners of small enterprises, external services such knowledge procurement, acquisition costs for machines or equipment, licenses or intellectual property rights, travel expenses for invited guests, including moderators or speakers.

Upfront payment:

Up to a maximum of 50% of the approved funding amount can be paid up front. Don't forget your biannual progress report on your development proposal.

Maximum project duration:

2 years


An independent jury will assess your submission and provide a recommendation for your development proposal's funding. We provide Understanding Science Funding to support development proposals that pursue climate and environmental objectives and promote diversity in Vienna.


Women's bonus: 5,000 euros. The women's bonus is awarded if your development proposal is managed by a woman with the necessary qualifications. 

Documents for your submission to receive Understanding Science Funding:

A duly completed online application form, an application confirmation, as well as a de minimis declaration, your latest annual financial statements, and/or an income statement.

Legal basis under European state aid law:
