
Vienna Astro Colloquium

What is trickling down on us? A foray through meteoritics

Lecture Julia Walter-Roszjár

Mon, 13.05.2024, 15:00, Observatory & online


Sebastián Lehuedé: Coloniality and the Struggle for Autonomy in Chilean Astronomy

Lecture series "Academia and In/Equality" & VISESS Big Picture Event

Tue, 14.05.2024, 15:00, UZA II / online

UNIVIE-Events and more

Klimawandel und urbaner Hitzestress: Wie können Städte der Zukunft begegnen?

Umwelt im Gespräch mit Kerstin Krellenberg

Di, 28.05.2024, 18:00, NHM Wien

 News & Views

Research (EN)

Marine sediments help us to understand climate changes in the present as well as the past, but they are altered by humans in various ways: In a new...

Research (EN)

A team of astrophysicists from the University of Vienna found a way to integrate sophisticated mathematical modelling into simulations of the...

Research (EN)

According to a research team led by Mario Coiro and Leyla Seyfullah, the net-like leaf veining typical for today’s flowering plants developed much...

Research (EN)

An international research team led by Kristina Kislyakova from the University of Vienna has for the first time directly detected stellar winds from...

Visiting (EN)

During April 2024, the geologist Sonja Aulbach is visiting professor at the Department of Lithospheric Research. Research on the deep earth for her is...

Visiting (EN)

Fabian Pettig, geographer and expert in didactics and sustainability, is visiting professor at our Faculty from end of March until June. For him, the...


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