[CALL] FWF Japan–Austria Joint Research Projects and Joint Seminars


Deadline: 29 Aug 2023, 13:00 (CET)

For bilateral Austrian-Japanese research projects or their initiation

On the basis of their long-standing cooperation, the FWF and its partner organization JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) are pleased to announce this year’s call for bilateral Austrian-Japanese research projects (Joint Projects) and Joint Seminars. Joint Projects are closely integrated, bilateral research projects in which considerable added value is created through the collaboration. Joint Seminars are multi-day events for initiating collaborative projects and preparing joint project proposals. Both funding instruments require parallel submission to JSPS and the FWF, although each application must adhere to the application guidelines of the respective funding organization.

The call is open to proposals from all fields of basic research, and the submission deadline on the Austrian side is August 29, 2023.


Contact at FWF: Beatrice Lawal (beatrice.lawal(at)fwf.ac.at