Possible Identification of the Progenitor of SN 2016adj in NGC 5128 (Centaurus A)

Schuyler D. Van Dyk, Joana Ascenso, Ya-Lin Wu, Nathan Smith, L. Close, Joao Alves

We report the identification of the progenitor star of the Type IIb SN 2016adj (ATel #8651, #8663, #8664) in archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFC3/UVIS image data obtained in 2010 July and near-infrared JHKs images obtained in 2008 July with the NAOS+CONICA (NACO) instrument on the ESO VLT UT4-Yepun (PI: J. Alves; see Kainulainen et al. 2009, A & A, 502, L5). We acquired a coadded image of the SN on 2016 February 13 UT in z'-band with the Magellan 6.5-m Clay AO system (MagAO) VisAO camera and registered it (without distortion correction) to the WFC3 image mosaic in F814W (~I-band), using 14 stars in common, to ~0.19 UVIS pixel or ~8 mas. A star with brightness at F814W of 23.1 mag is near to this position (at ~5 sigma) in the HST image.

Institut für Astrophysik
Externe Organisation(en)
Spitzer Space Telescope, European Southern Observatory (Germany), University of Arizona
The Astronomer's Telegram
ÖFOS 2012
103003 Astronomie, 103004 Astrophysik
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