The PLEES Index: Climate Change Changes Needs

Laurane Freour, Paula Granero Ordonez, Gwenael Van Looveren, Tadeja Versic

Given the urgency to act against global warming, reaching a social tipping point appears to be one of the fastest way to trigger change. One way to get closer to such social tipping point is by informing people on the effect of climate change on their life. With the aim to raise awareness about the impact of climate change on rich european countries, we constructed an index called the PLEES index, based on the hierarchy of needs developed by Maslow. This index takes into account the psychological, social, and economical impact of climate change worldwide and can be projected under different scenarios of climate change. The PLEES index goes from 0 to 4, 0 corresponding to countries with a low development according to the pyramid of needs and 4 being the highest value corresponding to highly developed countries.

Institut für Astrophysik, Institut für Geologie
ÖFOS 2012
105205 Klimawandel
Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 13 – Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz
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