Description and crystal structure of Manganlotharmeyerite, Ca(Mn3+,?,Mg)2{AsO4,[AsO2 (OH 2]}2(OH,H2O)2, from the Starlera Mn deposit, Swiss Alps, and a redefinition of lotharmeyerite

Joel Brugger, Sergey V. Krivovichev, Uwe Kolitsch, Nicolas Meisser, Michael Andrut, Stefan Ansermet, Peter Carman Burns

Manganlotharmeyerite, Ca(Mn3+,□,Mg 2{AsO4,[AsO2(OH)2]}2 (OH,H2O)2, is a new member of the tsumcorite group of minerals, of general formula Me(1)Me(2)2(XO4 2(OH,H2O)2, in which Me(1) represents Pb2+, Ca2+, Na+ and Bi3+, Me(2) represents Fe3+, Mn3+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Al3+ and Mg2+, and X can be P5+, As5+, V5+ or S6+. Manganlotharmeyerite occurs with sailaufite, (Ca,Na,□ 2Mn3O2(AsO4)2(CO 3 •,3H2O,

tilasite and calcite in discordant veinlets within massive braunite

ores at the Starlera Mn deposit in the Eastern Alps of Switzerland.

Manganlotharmeyerite and the associated arsenates are the product of the

latest stage of As remobilization during retrograde Alpine metamorphism

of Triassic carbonate-hosted, syngenetic exhalative Mn-ores.

Manganlotharmeyerite forms elongate platy crystals and aggregates up to 1

mm in length, but optically homogeneous crystals do not exceed 100 μm

in length. The mineral has a Mohs hardness of about 3, with a Dcalc of 3.75(2) and a Dmeas of 3.77(2) g/cm3;

it is brittle, with an irregular fracture and a distinct cleavage

parallel to {001}. Manganlotharmeyerite is transparent to translucent

with an adamantine luster. It is brown-red to dark reddish orange in

color, and has a light brown streak. The new mineral species is biaxial

positive, with α 1.785(5), β 1.814(5) and γ 1.854(5), 2V(meas.) about

85°, 2V(calc.) 82°, dispersion r < v weak. The average composition of

the mineral, measured with an electron microprobe, is [wt%]: V2O5 0.67, As2O5 53.41, MgO 3.95, Mn2O3 16.70, CaO 12.42. Fe2O3, 0.91, NiO 1.07, minor quantities (< 1 wt%) of Al2O3, SrO, Na2O, CoO, and ZnO, H2Ocalc 8.84, sum 99.3, resulting in the empirical chemical formula (Ca0.94Sr0.01Na0.01 (Mn3+ 0.450.26Mg0.20Ni 0. 03 Fe0.02Zn0.02Al0.01Co0.01 2(As0.98V0.02)2O 10H4.16. The structural chemical formula of the mineral derived on the basis of the crystal- structure refinement is Ca(Mn3+ 0.590 .24Mg2+ 0.17)2{(AsO4 0.76[AsO2(OH)2]0.24}2[(OH 0. 59(H2O)0.41]2. Manganlotharmeyerite is monoclinic, C2/m, a 9.043(1), b 6.2314(7), c 7.3889(9) Å, β 116.392(2)°, V 372.99(9) Å3 and Z = 2. Single-crystal structure refinement (R1

= 0.025) confirmed isotypy with the tsumcorite structure. The strongest

ten lines in the X-ray powder-diffraction pattern [d in Å (I)(hkl)]

are: 4.93(80) (1̄10), 4.61(50)(111), 3.426(60 (2̄02), 3.182(100)(1̄12),

3.122 (50)(020), 2.927(70)(201), 2.822(70 (02̄1), 2.718(80)(3̄11),

2.555(100)(2̄21,3̄12), 2.134(70 (202,221). Unit-cell parameters from the

powder-diffraction data are: a 9.074(5), b 6.239(3), c 7.406(4), β

116.60(3)°. The nomenclature of members of the tsumcorite group with

Me(1) = Ca and X = As (lotharmeyerite subgroup) is based on the occupant

of the Me(2) site. Manganlotharmeyerite represents the Mn3+-

dominant member of the group, and lotharmeyerite is redefined to

represent the Zn-dominant member. The lotharmeyerite subgroup now

contains six phases: cabalzarite with Me(2) = Mg, ferrilotharmeyerite

(Fe3+), cobaltlotharmeyerite (Co), nickellotharmeyerite (Ni), lotharmeyerite (Zn) and manganlotharmeyerite (Mn3+).

Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie
Externe Organisation(en)
University of Adelaide, Saint Petersburg State University, Musée cantonal de Géologie Lausanne, University of Notre Dame, Universität Wien
The Canadian Mineralogist
Anzahl der Seiten
ÖFOS 2012
1051 Geologie, Mineralogie
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