On the Secular Resonances Occured in Planetary Systems

Eric Bois, Nicolas Rambaux, Ludmila Kiseleva-Eggleton, Elke Pilat-Lohinger

We present different orbital topologies for extrasolar planetary systems

including a 2:1 mean motion resonance namely the Gliese 876 HD 82943 and

HD 160691 planetary systems as well as the pair Io-Europa in our solar

system. Using a new technique called MEGNO we show that the orbital

parameters may allow the existence of a stability zone in the semi-major

axes parameter space preserved by a mechanism of apsidal secular

resonances. Moreover our global dynamics analysis in the 3-D orbital

parameter space allows us to make into evidence new resources of the 2

:1 orbital resonances : a stable orbital topology requires aligned or

anti-aligned apsidal lines according to the characteristics of these

different planetary systems. These configurations coupled with adequate

relative positions of the planets on their orbits avoid close

approaches. For instance in the HD 160691 system the apsidal lines are

anti-aligned and the stabilizing mechanism avoids close approaches at

their periapses (high outer eccentricity of the second planet helps). In

the pair Io-Europa conjunctions occur when Io is near periapse and

Europa near apoapse whereas conjunctions of the GJ 876 companions occur

when both planets are near periapses

Institut für Astrophysik
Externe Organisation(en)
Universität Bordeaux, Saint Mary's College of California
Frontiers of High Resolution Spectroscopy
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