Revealing Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (ReveaLLAGN)
- Autor(en)
- Anil C. Seth, Torsten Boeker, Leonard Burtscher, Timothy Andrew Davis, Antoine Andre Dumont, Anja Feldmeier-Krause, Juan Antonio Fernandez Ontiveros, Elena Gallo, Jenny Emma Greene, Kayhan Gultekin, Luis C. Ho, Sebastian F. Hoenig, Sebastian Kamann, Allison Kirkpatrick, Nora Luetzgendorf, Sera Markoff, Nadine Neumayer, Eric William Pellegrini, Richard M. Plotkin, Almudena Prieto, Amy E. Reines, Jessie Caye Runnoe, Shobita Satyapal, Jay Strader, Jonathan R. Trump, Karina Voggel, Jonelle L. Walsh, Feng Yuan, Glenn van de Ven
- Abstrakt
JWST will be the most sensitive tool ever built for studying the
accretion onto supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at the centers of
galaxies. While quasars and bright active galactic nuclei (AGN) provide
spectacular examples of this accretion, a vast majority of galaxies have
black holes accreting at much lower rates. Although these low
luminosity AGN (LLAGN) are not as well studied or understood as their
brighter counterparts, it is clear their inner structures differ
significantly from the accretion disks in luminous AGN. JWST
spectroscopy provides a unique opportunity to significantly advance our
understanding of LLAGN. Our proposal focuses on getting IFU spectra
from 1.7 to 28 microns for seven of the nearest LLAGN spanning four
orders of magnitude in both black hole mass and accretion rate (these
will also be complemented by two GTO targets). JWST's spatial
resolution will enable easy separation of the AGN from the host galaxy
light providing us with spectral templates of low luminosity AGN spectra
in the infrared for the first time. Detailed physical modeling of both
the line emission and spectral energy distributions of these LLAGN
spectra will reveal the physical structure of low luminosity AGN, and
how it varies with the mass and accretion rate of the SMBH. We will
also use these spectral templates to empirically determine the most
sensitive lines and SED features for spectroscopically and
photometrically identifying LLAGN in more distant galaxies where the AGN
won't be spatially resolved. ReveaLLAGN will both significantly enhance
our understanding of AGN and open a new window for future AGN studies
with JWST.
- Organisation(en)
- Institut für Astrophysik
- Externe Organisation(en)
- University of Utah, European Space Agency (ESA), Baltimore, Leiden University, Cardiff University, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali , Central Michigan University, Princeton University, University of Michigan, Peking University, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), University of Kansas, Protestant Theological University, Universität Heidelberg, University of Nevada, Reno, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), Montana State University, Bozeman, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, George Mason University, Michigan State University, University of Connecticut, Université de Strasbourg, University of Texas, Brownsville, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences (CAFS)
- Publikationsdatum
- 03-2021
- ÖFOS 2012
- 103003 Astronomie, 103004 Astrophysik
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