Railway. Photo: CC Michael Gaida on Pixabay

Mobility Coordinators

The Faculty's mobility coordinators are ready to help incoming and outgoing students with questions concerning Erasmus+ mobility and the coordination with partner universities. First, please have a look at the information on student mobility provided by the International Office of the University of Vienna, for example on the application procedure of an Erasmus+ student exchange. All requirements, deadlines and necessary documents mentioned there are valid and sufficient for your application for an Erasmus+ stay, there are no additional deadlines within any of our study programmes. For questions regarding the recognition of attended courses, please contact your responsible directorate of studies and/or the Studies-Service-Center of the Faculty.

Please note that the mobility coordinators are not able to answer questions about accommodation or travel at your destination. Please check the overview by the UNIVIE International Office and the International Office at your host university.




Mobility coordinators of our Faculty


Earth Sciences


Yvonne Franz

Department of Geography and Regional Research
Universitätsstrasse 7 (NIG), Room C0406
A-1010 Vienna

Tel.: +43-1-4277-48783
E-mail: yvonne.franz@univie.ac.at


  • Københavns Universitet and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (only outgoing) within the mobility scheme of the joint master's programme in Urban Studies – Classical Track. To apply for the joint master's programme, see: https://www.4cities.eu/

