Archiv Research 2017


Developing methods for detecting remnants of nuclear tests using seismic waves in the underground is the goal of an interdisciplinary WWTF-funded...


Postdoctoral astrophysicist Gioia Rau looks at the driving forces of the mass loss process in evolved stars. The winds that carry this mass outward...


New Marie Curie fellow Katalin Gillemot applies granular physics knowledge and coding skills to enhance prediction models for natural hazards. The...


Induction heating can completely change the energy budget of an exoplanet and even melt its interior. In a study published by Nature Astronomy an...


In October last year our Faculty's Department of Geography and Regional Research and the Satellite Surveying and Mapping Application Center of the...


Sedimentologist Kateřina Schöpfer received one of the Back-to-Research Grants of the University of Vienna in 2016, which aim to support female...


Under the leadership of the Environmental Sciences Research Network of the University of Vienna, the key national actors in long-term ecological...


500 hours of observation at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in the Atacama Desert: an outstanding opportunity for astronomers João Alves and...


The Orion A molecular cloud is home to thousands of young stars and the nearest known massive star factory, lying about 1,350 light-years from Earth....