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Visiting (EN)

Until June 2024 the spatial data scientist Grant McKenzie is visiting professor at the Department of Geography and Regional Research. His central...

Visiting (EN)

During April 2024, the geologist Sonja Aulbach is visiting professor at the Department of Lithospheric Research. Research on the deep earth for her is...

Visiting (EN)

Fabian Pettig, geographer and expert in didactics and sustainability, is visiting professor at our Faculty from end of March until June. For him, the...

Study (EN)

Call 2024 is open: All students at our Faculty as well as students of two Postgraduate-programmes are invited to submit the best photos of their...

Study (EN)

Seven lectures open to the public and streamed: New lecture series addresses inequalities in the scientific community with a focus on astronomy, earth...

Research (EN)

Meike Levin-Keitel started as Professor for Spatial Research and Spatial Planning at the Department of Geography and Regional Research beginning of...

Study (EN)

In the early morning of October 14, 2023, 13 biology students from both Bachelor’s and Master’s programs, together with Univ.-Prof. Martin Zuschin,...


Invitation to the inaugural lectures by Krzysztof Janowicz, Kerstin Krellenberg und Glenn van de Ven from our Faculty

Study (EN)

On the 12th of December 2023, the first "Bake your PhD" event organized by the doctoral school VISESS took place. The task was simple: be creative in...

Zu Gast (DE)

"Stay curious, and enjoy being surprised," is the central message Hildegard Westphal, visiting professor at the Department of Palaeontology from...

Studium (DE)

Die Studienvertretung Geographie lädt von 4. bis 6. Dezember zur Diversity Week ein - mit Workshops, Podiumsdiskussion und einem Filmscreening von...

Visiting (EN)

The essence of geology is to assemble a fascinating jigsaw-puzzle, but with a lot of puzzle pieces missing, says Andrea Mindszenty, visiting professor...