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Study (EN)

Students and lecturers of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy are invited to nominate outstanding lecture courses for one of the...

Study (EN)

Wed, 29 January 2025, Lecture Hall 2 at the UZA II: All Astronomy, Earth Sciences, Meteorology and Geography students are warmly invited!

Visiting (EN)

In his research, Ugur Öztürk - expert on the intersection of natural hazards and urban activities at the GFZ in Potsdam - explores how human...

Visiting (EN)

Currently visiting: David Fernández Remolar is Ida Pfeiffer Professor at our Faculty in the winter term 2024/25. In his research, the geobiologist is...

Visiting (EN)

Currently visiting: In September 2024, astrophysicist Graham Smith joined the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy as Ida Pfeiffer...

Visiting (EN)

The social and cultural anthropologist Clemens Greiner is visiting professor at the Department of Geography and Regional Research until end of...

Study (EN)

Meteorology master students were able to model the impact of different geoengineering options like space mirrors and stratospheric aerosol at the...

Study (EN)

As part of the 2024 summer semester’s Practical Exercises in Urban Geography and Planning course on Urban Food Systems, led by Yvonne Franz and James...

Study (EN)

Learning Journey: Slovenia. What role does cooperation play in urban, regional, and cross-border development? An interactive report on a 11-day...

Research (EN)

The Faculty cordially invites alumni and staff to our Talks & BBQ at the observatory - this time with alumni Florian Freistetter and Karin Krobath,...

Study (EN)

The first place of our photo competition goes to Lukas Ackermann for "Die unaussprechbare Schlucht"; second to Jonathan Schmidt for "Spektakel der...

Visiting (EN)

In his research, the palaeontologist Uwe Balthasar concentrates on the links between the evolution oif calcification in marine organisms and Earth...