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Study (EN)

Mark Scherner is studying Regional Research and Regional Planning at the University of Vienna and participated in in the univie: ARL International...


From 13 to 15 Sept 2021, students and early career researchers of our Faculty and beyond were developing digital solutions regarding environment &...

Study (EN)

Global change and sustainability are the challenges of our time. With the new internationally oriented master’s programme in Geography: Global Change...

Visiting (EN)

By looking outward towards planets we can look backwards and understand the history of our planet, explains Eric Gaidos, Ida Pfeiffer professor at the...

Research (EN)

The first call for applications of the Vienna International School of Earth and Space Sciences attracted strong international interest. In each of the...

Visiting (EN)

Currently visiting: In March 2021, Stephen Mojzsis joined our Faculty as Ida Pfeiffer Professor. In his work, he explores the fundamental physical and...

International (EN)

From April till July 2021, Sabine Henry is visiting professor at the Department of Geography and Regional Research. For more than twenty years, the...

Visiting (EN)

The Faculty welcomes Eric Gaidos (astronomer and geobiologist) and Stephen Mojzsis (geologist and geoastrophysicist) as Ida Pfeiffer professors in the...

Research (EN)

The faculty mourns the death of the mineralogist and crystallographer Ekkehart Tillmanns, who passed away unexpectedly at the end of December. Our...

Research (EN)

In her PhD thesis Tadeja Veršič from the Vienna International School of Earth and Space Sciences (VISESS) aims to unravel the mystery of dark matter....

Study (EN)

This interdisciplinary lecture series within the SPL29 Geography will investigate climate change and discuss concepts and perspectives for the future....

Study (EN)

The Vienna International School of Earth and Space Sciences is currently announcing more than 30 PhD projects. Interested students are invited to...