[CALL] ERC Advanced Grant (AdG) 2025


Deadline: 28 Aug 2025

For established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements

please note the internal submission procedure:


    Internal Approval by the Vice-Rector/Rector and Faculty/Centre:

    • Please inform your faculty/centre about your ERC application as soon as possible and make sure that the dean/head of the centre approves the submission. If applicable, discuss with your faculty/centre any open questions such as infrastructure, available support services etc.
    • Please note further that the Rectorate requires a clear statement from the respective faculty/centre as to whether your submission will be supported or not. 
    • Please forward the approval statement from the dean/head of the centre directly to us (Statement signed by the dean/ head and you, please use the template “ERC Statement for Faculties/Centres” provided below).
    • We recommend that you contact the third-party coordinator of your faculty (if available) to discuss any faculty-specific issues. For example (and if applicable): acquisition of major equipment (and whether you need additional funding), availability of infrastructure, space and support services for you and your team etc.
    • For approval by the Rectorate, please send us at least 14 days before the submission deadline:

            (1.) ERC application, at least Part B1 (if already available also B2Templates will be available after the call has opened  

            (2.) UNIVIE ERC Excel Calculation Tool (completed)

            (3.) Description of resources (copied from the ERC online submission portal)

            (4.) HI letter (completed) Will be available after the call has opened

            (5.) Signed "ERC Statement for Faculties/Centres

    Please also check the UniVie Regulation for Teaching Reductions.

    • The Vice-Rector/Rector signs the HI-letter and we will send back to you a scanned copy, which you need to upload to the submission online portal.
    • Please note: PIs must have an employment contract for the duration of the project. If this is not the case (e.g. no permanent position, retirement before the end of the project etc), please discuss this situation with your dean/head of centre and inform us of any arrangements. If you need to include the costs of your own PI salary, then we recommend calculating them at 80%, unless an alternative arrangement with your Faculty/Centre is in place. Please contact us for more information.
    • After submission, please send us a copy of the final, submitted version of your ERC application for uploading to u:cris.