The Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy (FGGA) and the Vienna International School of Earth and Space Sciences (VISESS) at the University of Vienna are currently accepting project proposals for the Emerging Field Grant of FGGA.
The Emerging Field Grant of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy seeks to support members of the Faculty by stimulating and strengthening rather risky research across its thematic areas in new emerging fields. The grant aims to give researchers the opportunity to pursue a risky "hot topic", which may still be too "green" to be funded by established sources, but has the potential to open up new frontiers in science.
The grant awards a pre-doc fellowship (University assistant pre-doc, 30h/week) for three years. The pre-doc has access to mobility funding of FGGA and VISESS (FGGA "Nachwuchsförderung" and VISESS Research Funds). The members of the supervisory team must commit to providing additional resources needed (consumables, lab and office space, mobility etc.). The candidate selected for the position joins VISESS as a PhD student member.