[CALL] OeAD Africa-UniNet


Deadline: 28 Feb 2025, 00:00 CET

The 5th call for project submissions in Africa-UniNet has been published. Submissions are possible until February 28, 2025 via the OeAD web portal.


Research-related two-year projects with African partners can be submitted. All institutions must be members of Africa-UniNet. The maximum funding amount is €40,000.
Eligible costs are primarily travel and accommodation costs. Personnel costs are not eligible.


Further information can be found on the website of the International Office or the OeAD.



Please note: there is another open call with similar conditions (issued by Kooperation Entwicklungsforschung). In this call, projects can be submitted also with partners from other countries of the “Global South” that are not members of Africa-UniNet.

Important: Double funding with an Africa-UniNet project is not permitted. An equivalent submission in both calls should be avoided.

Further information on this additional call can be found here: https://oead.at/de/kooperationen/internationale-hochschulkooperationen/kooperation-entwicklungsforschung/call-for-projects