
Deadline: 15 Jan 2024

For early-stage researchers who want to prepare proposals for research projects to be carried out at the FGGA


The FGGA POST-DOC CONNECT initiative aims to support up to 4 early-stage researchers who are currently not at a research institution inside Vienna (external researchers) in preparing proposals for research projects that are envisaged to be carried out at the FGGA in the event of funding.

The POST-DOC CONNECT grant is intended for short-term stays (one stay for up to 2 weeks per applicant) of external researchers (up to 7 years after their doctorate + 1.5 years per child) with established researchers at the FGGA. The grant is limited to a maximum of 2,500 euros per applicant and is provided to cover travel and accommodation. The stay must take place and be billed in the calendar year 2024.

The stay should be dedicated to developing a joint project proposal such as ERC, MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship (European Union), or ESPRIT (Austrian Science Fund), for which the external researcher will be brought to FGGA through third-party funding. To ensure the intended dedication of the stay, a viable concept for such a proposal must be submitted with the application for a POST-DOC CONNECT grant.

Successful applicants are offered an online consultation on funding opportunities through the FGGA / UNIVIE third-party funding service prior to their stay, so that the stay can be used as efficiently as possible for substantive work.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the grant, applicants should:

  • Hold a PhD degree / doctoral degree (either this degree is in a discipline that is represented at the FGGA or the applicant has a close relationship with one or several of the FGGA disciplines)
  • Have obtained their PhD degree no more than 7 years ago (+ 1.5 years per child)
  • Not be currently employed at the University of Vienna


The application should be written in English and include the following elements:

  • Concept for a research proposal (synopsis) (3 pages max.), outlining the research idea, objectives and questions, the innovativeness and originality of the planned research, the approaches to be taken, the name(s) and role(s) of the FGGA host(s), and the targeted funding agency.
  • Confirmation letter of the FGGA host researcher(s)

The following documents should be attached:

  • Curriculum Vitae (2 pages max.)
  • Key research fields and achievements after the PhD / doctoral degree and the results obtained so far (1 page)
  • Copy of PhD / doctoral certificate
  • Full publication list (internationally peer-reviewed journal articles only)
  • Targeted funding scheme and intended timeline (submission, decision, starting date and duration both of the project and of the employment duration of the applicant at the University of Vienna)

The application (all documents merged into one PDF file) should be submitted by email to dekanat.fgga@univie.ac.at by Monday, January 15, 2024.