[CALL] OeAD - Ernst Mach Grant - Worldwide


Deadline: 2024-02-01

For incoming prae-docs and post-docs (up to the age of 35)


Eligible for application are 

  • postgraduates pursuing a doctoral/PhD programme outside Austria;
  • postgraduates and post-docs wishing to pursue research in Austria with a view to an academic career and who completed their studies (at a university outside Austria) after September 30th, 2022;
  • post-docs who are working as lecturers at a university outside Austria.

Applicants must not have studied/pursued research/pursued academic work in Austria in the last six months before taking up the grant.

Grant benefit paid:

Supplementary grant, own funds are required

  1. Monthly grant rate EUR 1,250
  2. Assistance in arranging accommodation and health insurance

Ernst Mach [Wikipedia]