The Award for Palaeobiology is given to palaeontologists holding Austrian citizenship who have produced a special achievement in the form of an extensive and outstanding publication in the field of palaeontology, especially in functional morphology, the study of facies and similar areas.
The applicant should be the author of the publication or it should be clear from the content which sections were authored by the applicant.
The prize can also be awarded for a life’s work.
Value of the Award: 4.000,-- Euro
Selection Process
Prize winners are decided by an awards committee whose members are nominated by the Division of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences of the OeAW.
The prize cannot be shared.
Application Documents
- Application documents:
- Tabular CV including list of publications
- Letter of recommendation
- Publications:
- Selection of a maximum of 3 of the applicant’s most important publications as PDF files
- Brief statement on the type and extent of the applicant’s contribution to these selected publications