Italy, Università degli studi di Milano


Study programme: Earth Sciences (Bachelor, Master)

Also known as ‘La Statale’, the University of Milan is, relatively speaking, one of Italy’s younger university institutions.

  • Study programme at the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy (FGGA): Earth Science (Bachelor, Master)
  • Mobility Coordinator Earth Sciences
  • Semester spots or full year spots: Semester spots


Description Università degli studi di Milano - La Statale, Italy

"Also known as ‘La Statale’, the University of Milan is, relatively speaking, one of Italy’s younger university institutions. It was founded in 1924 thanks to the tenacious efforts of doctor and gynaecologist Luigi Mangiagalli, who in creating La Statale, realised his long-held dream of building a university for Lombardy’s regional capital.

(...) With 10 study areas, 130 Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle Master's degree programmes, and a wide postgraduate educational offer, the University of Milan can provide interdisciplinary courses to understand and deal with a shifting world."

Università degli studi di Milano, Italy - La Statale


Links Erasmus+ Mobility

Photo: Università Statale di Milano on Wikimedia By Goldmund100 - Own work, CC BY 3.0



Photo: Università Statale di Milano on Wikimedia By Goldmund100 - Own work, CC BY 3.0