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Research (EN)

How far microplastics travel in the atmosphere depends crucially on particle shape, according to a recent study by scientists at the University of...

Research (EN)

Can you explain your science using only the thousand most common English words? If so, register until 10.01.2024 for the Up-Goer Five challenge at the...


Invitation to the inaugural lectures by Krzysztof Janowicz, Kerstin Krellenberg und Glenn van de Ven from our Faculty

Zu Gast (DE)

"Stay curious, and enjoy being surprised," is the central message Hildegard Westphal, visiting professor at the Department of Palaeontology from...

Visiting (EN)

The essence of geology is to assemble a fascinating jigsaw-puzzle, but with a lot of puzzle pieces missing, says Andrea Mindszenty, visiting professor...

Research (EN)

A team of astrophysicists led by Núria Miret-Roig from the University of Vienna found that two methods for determining the age of stars measure...

Research (EN)

Astrophysicist Kristina Kislyakova has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for her project "Early Earth, Venus and Mars as Exoplanets"....

Visiting (EN)

During November 2023, Song Gao is visiting professor at the Department of Geography and Regional Research. He is eager to explore the new advancements...


Join this Faculty-internal workshop on 28.11.2023, 9:00-12:00 to get informed about definitions / regulations, identify problem areas and create ideas...


On Thursday October 19 2023, Katharine Hayhoe visited the University of Vienna for a very spontaneous talk on How to Catalyze change in a Warming...

Visiting (EN)

Since he was a kid, Mark Boslough was faszinated by the dynamic night sky, especially also by impacts and airburst physics. To understand these...

Research (EN)

Michael Wagreich, Daniel Le Heron and Ronald Pöppl receive the emerging field grant for the project "Microplastics as Anthropocene markers and proxies...