Gear - Geoenergy and Applied Research Lecture Series

Winter 2024/2025

Speakers and Abstracts

Thu, 10.10.2024 • Gabor Tari (OMV)

Natural hydrogen exploration: Where do we stand?

There is a growing interest in natural (a.k.a. white, gold, geologic, geogenic, native) hydrogen as a potential new source of energy with a very low carbon-footprint, especially compared to all the other human-made hydrogen species. Especially the “white” and “orange” hydrogen became the focus of intense international research, having the potential to become viable and probably cheaper alternatives to the currently used “black”, “grey”, “blue”, “pink” and “green” hydrogen generation methods which all have a significant carbon footprint.

From an exploration point of view there are several play types for natural hydrogen which appear to be very similar to what the oil and gas industry is used to. These include cases where there is a functioning trap, due to effective top seals. Examples can be found in pre-salt traps where hydrogen has been documented for a long time as part of existing natural gas accumulations (examples: Dnieper-Donets Basin, Ukraine, and Amadeus Basin, Australia). Another, very unusual trapping has been documented in the first hydrogen discovery in Mali where the top seal is a set of dolerite dykes. In these cases, one expects finite hydrogen resources to be in place and the exploration approach has lots of resemblance to that of hydrocarbon prospecting.

Another group of natural hydrogen targets revolve around mega-seeps (fairy circles, for example in Brazil, Australia, Namibia, Ukraine and Russia) and smaller, but pronounced fault-controlled seepages to the surface (for example, in Turkey, France, Czechia or even in Austria). These hydrogen occurrences have seemingly no traps, no seals and, therefore, they do not find a proper analogue in oil and gas exploration workflows. Strictly speaking, these are not yet hydrogen plays as there are no commercial discoveries associated with them. The hydrogen fluxing along fault planes requires a fresh look on the exploitation of various fault architectures if shallow drilling would target conductive (or “leaky”) faults at shallow depth. In a more traditional exploration workflow, the proper mapping and quantification of hydrogen fluxing along fault planes in shallow depth might be the first critical step before more conventional deeper targets (>1000 m) could be addressed. The promise of this set of plays is that if these seeps really correspond to ongoing charge in a dynamic, truly renewable system in a steady-state process, tapping successfully into them would provide infinite resources via a low-flux hydrogen “farming” process. For commercial hydrogen production from shallow depth a totally new technological approach will be required, not existing in the hydrocarbon industry at all.

Thu, 17.10.2024 • Peter Krois (deeep Tiefengeothermie GmbH)

Heat for Vienna - deep geothermal energy in an urban environment

Geothermal energy is becoming increasingly important in view of the energy transition and the increased focus on sustainable energy sources. As a renewable energy source, it has the potential to make an important contribution to reducing CO₂ and our dependence on fossil fuels.  In 2023, OMV and Wien Energie joined forces to support the energy transition In Vienna and started the joint venture "deeep Tiefengeothermie GmbH", which combines the subsurface and surface expertise of these two companies. Vienna's goal is to make district heating generation completely climate-neutral by 2040 - a project in which geothermal energy plays a key role.

Extensive geophysical and geological work, including a large-scale 3D seismic survey in the Vienna area, has resulted in the identification of a potential geothermal reservoir in the Badenian Rothneusiedl Formation, informally called  "Aderklaaer Konglomerat". This formation is characterized by excellent hydraulic properties and occurs in a depth and temperature range appropriate for heat utilization.

Drilling of the three wells for the first project, "Hydros Seestadt", is planned to start in December 2024. This geothermal plant will generate up to 20 megawatts of climate-neutral district heating, which can supply up to 20,000 Viennese households. The saving of up to 54,000 tons of CO₂ per year underlines the climate-friendly effect. After that, up to seven geothermal plants with a total output of up to 200 megawatts are planned, generating climate-neutral district heating for up to 200,000 households.


Peter Krois holds M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in geology from the University of Innsbruck in Austria.  He joined OMV in 1990 and has held a variety of technical and managerial positions in Austria and abroad. Since November 2023, Peter is Managing Director of deeep Tiefengeothermie GmbH.

Thu, 24.10.2024 • Chi Zhang (University of Vienna)

Using geophysics in carbon dioxide removal technologies: innovative approaches and emerging technologies

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies are vital for mitigating climate change by reducing atmospheric CO₂ levels. Geophysical methods play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and safety of these technologies, particularly in subsurface carbon sequestration and storage. This talk will explore innovative geophysical approaches and emerging technologies that aid in the characterization, verification, and long-term monitoring of various CDR technologies and carbon storage sites. I will discuss how geophysical techniques—such as seismic reflection, electrical resistivity, and electromagnetic methods—can be integrated to assess the suitability of geological formations for CO₂ storage. Case studies that demonstrate the application of these methods as well as the use of advanced modeling and inversion techniques in monitoring CO₂ injection and migration, ensuring the integrity of storage sites will be discussed. The seminar will also open the discussion on future directions in geophysical research, emphasizing the development of new methods and the integration of multidisciplinary data to advance CDR technologies.

Thu, 31.10.2024 • Kurt Decker (University of Vienna) & Helene Bauer (Wiener Wasser)

Structural characterisation of fractured reservoirs

Fractured reservoirs are a main reservoir type for both, potential deep geothermal resources and hydrocarbons. A significant share of OMV’s past and current hydrocarbon production derives from the fractured and faulted dolostones, and dolomite rocks of various ages are currently explored by OMV, ADX, deeep and EVN for deep geothermal heat mining or hydrocarbons. The quality of fractured reservoirs depends on porosity and permeability provided by fracture and fault networks covering an extremely wide range of scales, reaching from microfractures to seismic-scale faults. We have therefore extensively analyzed fault and fracture architectures of reservoir rocks, using brittle structural geology techniques to characterize the fractured host rocks (“fractured matrix”), fault zones consisting of fault rock and damage (or process-) zones, and the density and connectivity of fracture and fault networks. Analyses aim to describe fractured matrix and faults, and understanding the processes that generate porosity/permeability supported by these structures. The latter is regarded to be of high importance for developing predictive models and forecast the characteristics of reservoirs that are likely to be found in exploration drilling.

Our previous studies focused on Middle and Late Triassic carbonates (Hauptdolomit and Wetterstein Formation) forming major reservoirs in the Northern Calcareous Alps and the Vienna Basin. The studies compiled a vast database on fracture density and associated effective porosity, and provided permeability data that describe the scale-dependent heterogeneity of these fractured and faulted carbonates. While porosity analyzes and appropriate predictive models for the porosity distribution in the reservoir are quite easy to perform, this is not the case for permeability. This is due to (1) the impossibility of analyzing Representative Elementary Volumes (REVs) of fractured rock or fault zones with respect to permeability. Permeameters typically measure 1’’ or 1.5’’ diameter plugs which are too small to capture the properties of fractured rocks with fracture spacing ranging in the scale of centimeters to tens of centimeters. (2) The bias of samples available for benchtop permeability measurements towards low permeability due to the inability to derive plugs from intensely fractured rock. (3) The inability of using industrial production data from long open-hole sections to characterize the relative contribution of fractured matrix and faults to the overall reservoir performance. Recent and current projects consequently focus on the upscaling of permeability and the correlation between porosity and permeability (phi/k functions). Outcrop-based permeability measurements at different scales including benchtop plug measurements, small-scale injection tests and core-controlled open-hole inverse production tests are used to produce sound measurements for upscaling permeability from plug to reservoir scales. Tests quantify permeability of fractured rocks with different fracture densities and the permeability distribution in fault zones.

Our studies suggest that the properties, frequency and connectivity of fault zones, fracture density in fault damage zones, the deformation mechanisms that govern fault formation and fault slip, and post-deformation cementation history are of utmost importance for the studied reservoirs.

Thu, 7.11.2024 • Jakob Kulich (GeoSphere Austria)

CO2 Storage potential in Austria and its competitive subsurface usage

Austria is committed to becoming climate net-neutral by 2040, no later than 2050. Reducing the countries hard-to-abate CO2 emissions will require the substantial application of CCS to reach this challenging goal. Due to legal regulation and missing public acceptance across Europe, storage sites for CCS hubs are typically being developed offshore. This is especially challenging for landlocked countries like Austria where domestic storage is currently not developed and export of CO2 can only take off once transport infrastructure is completed. The talk will shortly discuss the development of legal regulations concerning CCS in Austria and touch upon possible export routes to offshore storage sites. Afterwards new results on storage potential in hydrocarbon fields are presented and compared to already existing studies. Storage of pure hydrogen in porous media is an emerging technology that is hoped to be used for balancing fluctuations in renewable energy and decarbonizing heavy industry. At the same time geothermal energy production is seen as a key technology in providing green base-load energy for decarbonization of the heating sector in cities with district heating networks. The competitive usage of the Austrian subsurface as well the possible contribution of CCS to Austria's climate goals are finally being discussed.

Thu, 14.11.2024 • Clement Esteve (University of Vienna)

Passive seismics: a cost-effective approach for geothermal exploration

With the ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2015 and the accelerating global climate crisis, reducing our carbon footprint has become crucial, particularly in the energy sector. Consequently, developing geothermal energy has emerged as a priority in the energy policies of many countries, including Austria and Canada. Traditional geothermal exploration for deep geothermal projects relies on conventional active seismic surveys, which are both logistically challenging and expensive. Recently, noise-based passive seismic methods combined with large and dense seismic nodal arrays have shown to be reliable and cost-effective alternatives for geothermal exploration. Although these nodes are typically designed with high corner-frequencies (>5 Hz), signals within the microseism bandwidths (0.15–1 Hz) can be accurately retrieved by enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio through seismic interferometric methods such as waveform correlation and stacking. This makes them suitable for imaging purposes. Here, we briefly introduce three case studies, where noise-based passive seismic methods are applied for geothermal exploration: one in southern Yukon, Canada, and two in the Vienna Basin, Austria. We discuss features observed in our models relevant to geothermal exploration.

Thu, 21.11.2024 • David Misch (Montanuniversität Leoben)

Seal rock investigations for geological storage

Seal rocks are traditionally considered essential elements of a working petroleum system. More recently they attracted broad attention in the context of various emerging geoenergy applications, such as underground hydrogen storage (UHS) and carbon capture and storage (CCS).

This talk focuses on fine-grained siliciclastic seal rocks. A workflow for compaction analysis based on extensive core and wireline log data from the Vienna Basin is presented. The petrophysical trends are then compared to established mathematical compaction models and the validity of a generalized basin-wide “normal compaction trend” (NCT) model is discussed. Furthermore, the static seal capacity is evaluated based on capillary pressure data, and maximum seal capacity vs. depth trends are derived. Finally, dynamic leakage calculations considering different transport processes (Darcy flow, Knudsen diffusion, etc.) are introduced and implications for long-term underground storage safety are discussed.

Since rock-fluid interactions may alter the pore structure and fluid transport properties of a capillary seal, the results of gas exposure trials on the Hall Formation caprock of the first successful UHS facility in the Lehen Field (North Alpine Foreland Basin) are presented. The talk will conclude with an outlook on future activities of the Energy Geosciences team at Montanuniversitaet Leoben in the field of geo-storage seal integrity.


David Misch holds a doctoral degree from Montanuniversitaet Leoben, where he also obtained his habilitation in Geology. He worked as an invited postdoctoral researcher at RWTH Aachen University and was awarded the Walther E. Petraschek and Hans Höfer von Heimhalt prizes of the ÖAW and ÖGG, respectively, for his early career research in sedimentology. He was appointed Professor of Energy Geosciences at Montanuniversitaet Leoben in 2023 and currently heads the Chair of Energy Geosciences as well as the Department of Applied Geosciences and Geophysics.

Thu, 28.11.2024 • Stefan Hoyer (GeoSphere Austria)

Numerische Modellierung als Thermalwasser-Managementtool

In the deep underground of the Molasse basin between Regensburg, Landshut and Linz, i.e. in Lower Bavaria and Upper Austria, there is a continuous thermal water occurrence. This has been used for a long time on both sides of the state border for the extraction of healing and bathing water as well as for district heating. Decades ago, the withdrawals led to considerable pressure drops. Consequently, in the 1990s, the expert group on thermal water of the Permanent Water Commission (Ständige Gewässerkommission) had a numerical flow model created of this particular groundwater body in accordance with the Treaty of Regensburg. This was used as a basis for decision-making in the authorisation procedure, namely to predict the impact of planned thermal water developments in order to avoid negative impacts on existing uses.

However, the flow model reached its limits in the case of the thermal water wells Mehrnbach TH 1A and Mehrnbach TH 2, which were drilled in the district of Ried im Innkreis in 2011. The changes in the groundwater level caused by the extraction and reinjection of the newly constructed doublet in Mehrnbach could no longer be explained by this model. It became necessary to rethink the hydrogeological concept and to calculate a new numerical flow model in order to continue to have a reliable tool for forecasting in water rights procedures. This should take into account all new hydrogeological findings regarding the Lower Bavarian-Upper Austrian thermal groundwater body, in particular the impact of the drilling in Mehrnbach.

At the end of 2017, the consortium, consisting of GeoSphere Austria (formerly the Geological Survey of Austria), Erdwerk GmbH, the University of Leoben, RAG Austria AG (formerly RAG Rohöl-Aufsuchungs Aktiengesellschaft) and the Technical University of Munich, was contracted by the Thermalwasser expert group to develop a new hydrogeological model that takes into account all new findings, and to develop a modern numerical flow model based on this. In contrast to the previous model from the 1990s, the new flow model is a 3D model. During the modelling process, it became apparent that the significance of thermal uplift of the thermal water in the present groundwater body had been underestimated in the past. This meant that, in addition to the hydraulics, the temperature and the associated density of the water also had to be taken into account to a significant extent. The model, which was developed between 2017 and 2023, is a new, powerful tool for predicting the impact of future thermal water developments.

Thu, 16.01.2025 • Martin Schöpfer (University of Vienna / NiMBUC Geoscience)

Fluid injection-induced reactivation of corrugate faults

The Earth contains many geological faults where rocks have slipped past one another during deformation of the crust. Slip on these faults would have caused earthquakes in the geological past. These faults remain as weaknesses in the crust to the present day and they can slip, causing earthquakes again, if the stresses acting on them change. Changes in stresses on faults can result from many human activities, including water injection into the subsurface for geothermal energy. Current methods for predicting the likelihood of inducing slip on faults assume that faults are planar surfaces, but observations of natural faults show that they have uneven surfaces and are usually corrugated. Here we conduct a mechanical analysis of slip on an uneven fault surface, idealised as a surface with a saw-tooth profile. The analysis calculates the amount by which fault corrugation increases the slip resistance of a fault with maximum increase perpendicular to the corrugations. It also demonstrates that fault surface corrugation can significantly deflect the fault slip direction. Our results can be applied to better predict artificially induced earthquakes on faults in the subsurface.

Thu, 23.01.2025 • Alessandro Musu (University of Vienna)

Quantifying the chemical evolution of magmatic systems using mineral chemistry: a combined experimental and statistical approach

Volcanic eruptions can be high-risk phenomena for both human lives and the economy. Energetic eruptions can produce severe consequences even in distal areas from the eruptive centre with potential economic losses of up to several trillion dollars, exacerbated by our interconnected society. Volcanoes of mafic composition (e.g., Mount Etna, Italy) account for most of the worlds active volcanic systems and can impact human activities through extraordinarily intense phenomena. The most powerful tool at our disposal to mitigate the devastating effects of volcanic activity and predict their evolution over time is volcanic monitoring. Although petrology has proven to be indispensable to understand deep magmatic mechanisms and track the evolution of complex volcanic systems over time, its use as a monitoring tool remains limited. In addition, being able to uniquely link the petrological signals contained in erupted products to the deep magmatic processes is not always straightforward. In this presentation we are going to explore new analytical techniques to identify chemical signals encrypted in minerals and to track their evolution over time. We are going to delve into the role of deformation and conduit dynamics in crystallization processes through experimental approaches and finally we will try to reconstruct the magmatic evolution occurred at Mt. Etna (Italy) during the February – April 2021 eruptive sequence, underlying the potential benefits that petrological studies can provide in volcano monitoring. In doing so, we will discuss about the future perspectives and limitations for the use of petrology as a sin-eruptive monitoring tool, with the aim of improving the response capability during volcanic crises.

Thu, 31.01.2025 • Rainer Abart (University of Vienna)

Green hydrogen from solar thermal water splitting: a hot topic in (geo)materials research

Sunlight is an essentially inexhaustible natural source of energy, and harvesting solar energy is of pivotal importance for the necessary energy transition. Solar irradiation depends, however, on latitude and is subject to daily and seasonal variations. For constant energy supply, the energy harvested from sunlight needs to be converted to chemical fuel that can be stored, transported, distributed and used on demand.

Conversion of solar energy to hydrogen by solar driven water splitting is an interesting route, as hydrogen has high energy density and merely produces water upon utilization. Solar energy to hydrogen conversion may be done by electrolysis of water powered by photovoltaics, by photoelectrochemical water splitting, which uses semiconducting metal oxides as light absorber and catalyst, and by solar thermal water splitting, a cyclic high-temperature process driven by concentrated sunlight.

In solar thermal water splitting, use is made of the fact that upon heating to high temperatures, transition metal oxides liberate oxygen implying reduction of their constituent transition metal cations. At lower temperatures, the oxides tend to re-attract oxygen, with the capacity to split H2O leaving behind H2 and the re-oxidized transition metal oxide. In this presentation different material systems used for solar thermal water splitting are discussed with a focus on hercynite-magnetite solid solutions and with an outlook on how geo-materials research can contribute to further developing this technique.


Rainer Abart is Professor for Theoretical and Experimental Petrology. He did his undergrad studies in Geology at the University of Vienna, completed his PhD in Petrology at ETH Zurich and his Habilitation at University of Graz. He held academic positions in Zurich, Graz, Basel and Berlin. In 2009 he joined the Department of Lithospheric Research, University of Vienna and since then has worked on the thermodynamics and kinetics as well as on microstructure and texture evolution in mineral systems with applications to rocks and synthetic analogues.