
UNIVIE-Events and more

Climate Walk durch Wien

Stadtspaziergang mit Yvonne Franz und Kerstin Krellenberg

Do, 08.08.2024, 16:00-18:00, Karlsplatz


The BRITE Side of Stars

Celebrating 10 scientifically successful years of BRITE-Constellation

Tue, 20.08.2024, 19:00 - Fr, 23.08.2024, 14:30, Campus UNIVIE


Baton Event 2024: Please save the date!

Staffelholzübergabe an das neue Dekaneteam

Do, 17.10.2024, 15:00, UZA II

Cooperation / ÖAW

Geologie im Alltag: Von der Steinzeit in die Zukunft


Mi, 23.10.2024, 13:30-18:30 Uhr, ÖAW

 Lecture Series

Climate Change and Climate Crisis

Science, Activism, and Policy in the Climate Emergency
Lecture Series
Wed, 18:30-20:00, UNIVIE Audimax

 VISESS & Doctoral Studies

No news available.

Faculty public presentations

Dates for the faculty public presentations of dissertation projects in the areas Astronomy, Earth Sciences, Geography (Natural Sciences & Social Sciencies), Meteorology, Geophysics and Environmental Sciences (SPL 45)

 UNIVIE and more


Climate Walk durch Wien

Stadtspaziergang mit Yvonne Franz und Kerstin Krellenberg

Do, 08.08.2024, 16:00-18:00, Karlsplatz