Ferry Wheel in Viennese Prater. Photo: CC, Dimitry Anikin on Unsplash

Visiting Professors & Ida Pfeiffer Professorship

We are pleased to welcome numerous international visiting professors at our departments every year. In addition, within the framework of the Ida Pfeiffer Professorship, the Faculty invites top scientists who focus on the topic of sustainability of Planet Earth.



From April until July, the geologist, geomorphologist and science communicator Johannes Weidinger is visiting professor at our Faculty. As director of...


In his research, Ugur Öztürk - expert on the intersection of natural hazards and urban activities at the GFZ in Potsdam - explores how human...


In her research, Giuliana Panieri is concentrating on micropaleontology in extreme environments of the ocean. Among other topics, the geologist at the...


Currently visiting: David Fernández Remolar is Ida Pfeiffer Professor at our Faculty in the winter term 2024/25. In his research, the geobiologist is...


Currently visiting: In September 2024, astrophysicist Graham Smith joined the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy as Ida Pfeiffer...


The social and cultural anthropologist Clemens Greiner is visiting professor at the Department of Geography and Regional Research until end of...

Archiv. (C) Thomas Exel

Visiting Professors & Guest Researchers at our Departments

The departments of our Faculty invite researchers and visiting professors to intensify knowledge exchange and, at the same time, to promote their strong international network. Please visit our departments' websites for more information on visiting professors and guest researchers. [More]

Ida Pfeiffer Professorship

The Ida Pfeiffer Professorship of our Faculty supports our mission to conduct excellent research on the sustainability of Planet Earth. Since 2018, the Faculty has been inviting scientists for one semester to trigger exciting research as well as teaching and act as a catalyst in the wide range of research topics addressed at the Faculty. [More]

Ida Pfeiffer, Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage

(C) Universität Wien/Barbara Mair

Mobility for Researchers – International Office

Go international, e.g. with mobility fellowships with strategic partners of the University of Vienna, or take advantage of a mobility programme to come and conduct research here: The International Office of the University of Vienna provides information about the possibilities for incomings and outgoings.

Mobility Calls and Fellowships for Researchers

Interested in applying for mobility calls and for fellowships in Austria or abroad? Have a look at the Faculty's selection of third party funding calls and informational events regarding mobility programmes for incoming and outgoing researchers including Doctoral students!

Foto: Rahul Pareek/Pixabay, CC
