Applied Sciences & Spring
Research at the Interface of Science & Society
Photo: CC, Pastrure on Pixabay
27 April 2022, 16:45-18:45, Lecture Room HS-4C
NIG, 4th floor, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien
Interdisciplinary networking event of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy – the “Faculty for Exploration”
The Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy invites researchers and interested faculty members to participate in our interdisciplinary networking event “Applied Sciences & Spring - Research at the Interface of Science & Society”.
• Researching at the interface of science and society: What are the experiences of our researchers?
• Research or development: How much research is there in applied science?
• Which obstacles and pitfalls should be kept in mind? How to ensure independence? How to make contact?
• Differences and similarities of funding schemes and partners? Funding opportunities.
Discuss these and other questions with our experienced “applied researchers” and other interested members of our Faculty as well as of the Service Unit Research Services and – if the weather allows – join us for a get-together with sparkling wine and a little spring snack at the NIG roof terrace afterwards.
Please note that registration is mandatory and the event follows the COVID-19 rules recommended by the University of Vienna (as of 19.04.2022: FFP2 masks mandatory in indoor areas; no 2G control necessary for catering; although booster vaccination and regular PCR tests are recommended – see
Registration closed - thank you for your interest!
- 16:45 Welcome address
- João Alves & Leopold Haimberger, Vice Deans for Research and Infrastructure at the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy
- Michaela Trippl, Head Department of Geography and Regional Research
- 17:00 Funding options for applied sciences projects
Tobias Reckling and Vera Stelzer, Research Services and Career Development - 17:10 Flash talks of applied sciences research projects at the interface of science and society by faculty members
- Leopold Haimberger (EU Tender/ Copernicus)
- Yvonne Franz (Interreg Central Europe - SIforREF)
- Karel Kriz (Interreg, Österreich Wein Marketing GmbH)
- Bernhard Grasemann (OMV, Wien Energie, NAGRA, Glock, Salinen Austria, Anthropozän)
- Christian Lengauer (Wienerberger / RHI Magnesita)
- Doris Nagel (Biodiversität am Friedhof, Teufelslucke - Wiener Friedhöfe GmbH, Land NÖ)
- Philipp Marr (NoeSLIDE, Land Niederösterreich)
- Stefan Wallner (Sternenpark Attersee-Traunsee – Land OÖ, Naturpark Attersee-Traunsee)
- Sebastian Fastenrath (Australia vs. Austria)
- Chi Zhang (Energy sector opportunities in the US and China)
- 18:20 Discussion: Experiences, challenges and possibilities
- 18:45 Get together & enjoy a glass of sparkling wine and a little snack at the NIG roof terrace (if the weather conditions permit :-))
We look forward to welcoming you!
For further information, please contact:
Heidemarie Weinhäupl ( ; 4277-53007)
Daniela Große Kathöfer ( ; 4277-53008)