
Nachts auf der Sternwarte

Speed Junkies: the origin and fate of the fastest stars in the Galaxy

Nachts auf der Sternwarte mit Prashin Jethwa

Fr, 14.02.2025, 18:30, Sternwarte

VISESS & Doctoral Studies

Embracing Diversity in STEM

Diversity Event of UNIVIE Doctoral Schools for staff and students

Tue, 18.02.2025, Main Ceremonial Hall


Core Facility Electron Beam Microanalysis

Official opening

Thur, 13.03.2025, UZA II - Save the date

 Lecture Series

 VISESS & Doctoral Studies


Embracing Diversity in STEM

Diversity Event of UNIVIE Doctoral Schools for staff and students

Tue, 18.02.2025, Main Ceremonial Hall

Faculty public presentations

Dates for the faculty public presentations of dissertation projects in the areas Astronomy, Earth Sciences, Geography (Natural Sciences & Social Sciencies), Meteorology, Geophysics and Environmental Sciences (SPL 45)

 UNIVIE and more

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