
The Faculty publishes about 670 publications every year, out of them about 60 to 70 percent of papers in Q1 journals (top 25 per cent journals ranked by Thomson Reuters). The research information system u:cris of the University of Vienna provides an overview of the publication activity of the Faculty.

A New Solar Fluorine Abundance and a Fluorine Determination in the Two Open Clusters M67 and NGC 6404. / Maiorca, E.; Uitenbroek, H.; Uttenthaler, Stefan et al.
In: The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 788, No. 2, 149, 03.06.2014.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

A case for using ground-based thermal inertia measurements to detect Martian caves. / Grömer, Gernot (Corresponding author); Foresta, Luca; Turetschek, Thomas et al.
In: Astrobiology, Vol. 14, No. 6, 01.06.2014, p. 431-437.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

BRITE-Constellation: Nanosatellites for Precision Photometry of Bright Stars. / Weiss, W. W.; Rucinski, S. M.; Moffat, A. F. J. et al.
In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 126, No. 940, 01.06.2014, p. 573-585.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Hydroniumjarosite, (H3O)+ Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6, from Cerros Pintados, Chile: Single-crystal X-ray diffraction and vibrational spectroscopic study. / Plasil, Jakub (Corresponding author); Skoda, Radek; Fejfarová, K. et al.
In: Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 78, No. 3, 01.06.2014, p. 535-547.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

A Case for Using Ground-Based Thermal Inertia Measurements to Detect Martian Caves (vol 14, pg 431, 2014). / Groemer, Gernot (Corresponding author); Foresta, Luca; Turetschek, Thomas et al.
In: Astrobiology, Vol. 14, No. 5, 06.2014, p. 431-437.

Publications: Contribution to journalCorrectionPeer Reviewed

A hydrous mantle transition zone indicated by ringwoodite included within diamond. / Pearson, Graham D. (Corresponding author); Brenker, Frank E.; Nestola, Fabrizio et al.
Goldschmidt2014. 2014. 1921.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedingsPeer Reviewed

Al-Ge-Ti: Phase equilibria and structural characterization of new ternary compounds. / Bittner, Roland W.; Gürth, Matthias; Duarte, Liliana I. et al.
In: Intermetallics, Vol. 53, 06.2014, p. 157-168.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Biogeochemistry of Fe acquisition by phytosiderophores in the rhizosphere. / Schenkeveld, Walter; Oburger, Eva; Schindlegger, Yvonne et al.
World Conference of Soil Science (WCSS). Jeju, South Korea, 2014.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedings

Chandra Resolves the T Tauri Binary System RW Aur. / Skinner, Stephen Lee; Güdel, Manuel.
In: The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 788, No. 2, 101, 06.2014.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Compressional behaviour of paulingite at high pressures – A sub-nano sponge? / Gatta, Giacomo Diego; Pippinger, Thomas; Miletich-Pawliczek, Ronald et al.
Zeolite 2014 - Book of Abstracts. Belgrade, Serbia, 2014. p. 73-74.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedings