
The Faculty publishes about 670 publications every year, out of them about 60 to 70 percent of papers in Q1 journals (top 25 per cent journals ranked by Thomson Reuters). The research information system u:cris of the University of Vienna provides an overview of the publication activity of the Faculty.

High CO2 content in magmas at an arc volcano: the andesitic Enco eruption of Mocho-Choshuenco volcano (Chile). / Feignon, Jean-Guillaume; Roche, Olivier ; Moune, Séverine et al.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, No. EGU2019, EGU2019-16065-1, 2019.

Publications: Contribution to journalMeeting abstract/Conference paperPeer Reviewed

HOFFNUNG AUF DIE EGALITÄRE STADT. / Franz, Yvonne (Contributor); Kiczka, Raphael (Contributor); Misik, Robert (Contributor) et al.
Das Rote Wien. 1919-1934. Ideen, Debatten, Praxis. . ed. / Wien Museum. Birkhäuser, 2019. p. 398-405.

Publications: Contribution to bookPost in art catalogue or artistic printing

Holocene fish death assemblages as pre-industrial baseline for the Eastern Mediterranean. / Agiadi, Konstantina; Belmaker, Jonathan; Albano, Paolo Giulio.
2019. The Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting 2019, Valencia, Spain.

Publications: Contribution to conferenceOther contribution to conferencePeer Reviewed

Holocene stasis in bivalve shell size magnified by time averaging and a major punctuation in size pattern driven by Anthropocene eutrophication. / Tomašových, Adam; Albano, Paolo Giulio; Fuksi, Tomas et al.
2019. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria.

Publications: Contribution to conferenceOther contribution to conferencePeer Reviewed

H_{2}S Formation in Dark Clouds. / Navarro, D. G.; Fuente, A.; Caselli, P. et al.
Highlights on Spanish Astrophysics X: Proceedings of the XIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society held on July 16-20, 2018, in Salamanca, Spain. ed. / B. Montesinos; A. Asensio Ramos; F. Buitrago. 2019. p. 366-373.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedingsPeer Reviewed

Identification of study sites for placement of sediment traps in vegetated buffer strips. / Pöppl, Ronald; Aydin, Elena .
In: Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae, Vol. 2, 2019, p. 71-74.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Identity of bryozoan species described by Jullien & Calvet from the Bay of Biscay historically attributed to Smittia. / Souto Derungs, Javier; Reverter-Gil, Oscar.
In: Zootaxa, Vol. 4545, No. 1, 2019, p. 105-123.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Megachile sculpturalis (Smith, 1853) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), the giant resin bee new to South Tyrol with a newly described plant species interaction. / Guariento, Elia (Corresponding author); Lanner, Julia; Staggl, Manuel Andreas et al.
In: Gredleriana, Vol. 19, 2019, p. 209-215.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Imprints of evolution on the internal kinematics of Globular Clusters. / Watkins, Laura L.; van der Marel, Roeland P.; Bellini, Andrea et al.
In: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Vol. 14, No. S351, 2019, p. 544-548.

Publications: Contribution to journalMeeting abstract/Conference paperPeer Reviewed