
The Faculty publishes about 670 publications every year, out of them about 60 to 70 percent of papers in Q1 journals (top 25 per cent journals ranked by Thomson Reuters). The research information system u:cris of the University of Vienna provides an overview of the publication activity of the Faculty.

Humanity as Agent of Natural Hazards. / Glade, Thomas; Dix, Andreas.
Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards. Springer-Verlag Dordrecht, 2013. p. 478-481.

Publications: Contribution to bookEntry for reference work

Humanity as an agent of natural disasters. / Glade, Thomas; Dix, Andreas.
Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards. ed. / Bobrowsky Peter T. Springer, 2013. p. 478-481.

Publications: Contribution to bookChapter

Impact ejecta. / Köberl, Christian.
Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards. Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2013. p. 523-524.

Publications: Contribution to bookChapter

Impact of dams, dam removal and dam-related river engineering structures on sediment connectivity and channel morphology of the Fugnitz and the Kaja Rivers. / Pöppl, Ronald; Keesstra, Saskia; Keiler, Margreth et al.
Conference volume: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, 10 to 12 June 2013, Mitersill. ed. / Salzburger Nationalparkfonds. Mittersill, Salzburg, 2013. p. 607-614.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedings

Impact Structures in Africa. / Reimold, Wolf Uwe; Köberl, Christian.
2013. Paper presented at 24th Colloquium of African Geology (CAG24), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Publications: Contribution to conferencePaper

Improved cropland mapping in Ethiopia. / Perger, Christoph; McCallum, Ian; Albrecht, Franziska et al.
2013. Paper presented at GI Forum, Salzburg, Austria.

Publications: Contribution to conferencePaperPeer Reviewed

In situ measurements of diffusion and mass flow of nitrogen compounds in forest soils using microdialysis. / Näsholm, Torgny; Oyewole, Olusegun Ayodeji; Inselsbacher, Erich.
2013. 92-96.

Publications: Contribution to conferencePaperPeer Reviewed

Indien – eine Regionalmacht und ihre geopolitischen Interessen. / Nissel, Heinz.
Asiens Aufstieg in der Weltpolitik. Barbara Budrich, 2013. p. 107–135.

Publications: Contribution to bookChapter

Indikatoren-Analyse zum Stand der nachhaltigen Entwicklung in Gemeinden und Regionen: Indikatorenauswahl, Datenerhebung, Stakeholderbeteiligung, SWOT-Analyse und grenzüberschreitender Vergleich. Stickler, Therese (Author); Weber, Richard (Author); Hainfellner, Elisabeth (Author) et al.. 2013.

Publications: Electronic/multimedia outputWeb publication