
The Faculty publishes about 670 publications every year, out of them about 60 to 70 percent of papers in Q1 journals (top 25 per cent journals ranked by Thomson Reuters). The research information system u:cris of the University of Vienna provides an overview of the publication activity of the Faculty.

P 045 - The activation of the endoperoxide ascaridole in Leishmania. / Gille, Lars; Geroldinger, Gerald ; Tonner, Matthias et al.
In: Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Vol. 108, No. S1, 07.2017, p. S32.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Phosphorus zoning as a recorder of crystal growth kinetics: application to second-generation olivine in mantle xenoliths from the Cima Volcanic Field. / Baziotis, I. (Corresponding author); Asimow, P. D.; Ntaflos, T. et al.
In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Vol. 172, No. 7, 58, 07.2017.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Similarities in element content between Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko coma dust and selected meteorite samples. / Stenzel, O.J.; Hilchenbach, M.; Merouane, S. et al.
In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 469, No. Suppl_2, 07.2017, p. S492-S505.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Temperature dependent Raman and luminescence spectroscopy study of self-irradiated U, Th-bearing natural zircon. / Shchapova, Yuliya V.; Zamyatin, Dmitry A.; Votyakov, Sergey L. et al.
REI-19, Book of Abstracts. 2017. p. 250-251.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedings

The crystal structure of ethyl 1-(4- nitrophenyl)-5-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylate, C13H10F3N3O4. / Jacimovic, Zeljko K. (Corresponding author); Kosovic, Milica; Bogdanovic, Goran A. et al.
In: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, Vol. 232, No. 4, 07.2017, p. 651-653.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

The influence of gravitational perturbations on the habitability of planets in binary stars. / Pilat-Lohinger, Elke.
CHEOPS Fifth Science Workshop. 2017. 37.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedings

The thermally driven diurnal wind system of the Adige Valley in the Italian Alps. / Lazzarini, Giovanni ; Laiti, Lavinia; Serafin, Stefano et al.
In: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 143, No. 707, 07.2017, p. 2389-2402.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

VizieR Online Data Catalog: Abell 520 galaxies redshifts (Deshev+, 2017). Deshev, B. (Editorial Journalist); Finoguenov, Alexis (Editorial Journalist); Verdugo Olivares, Miguel Anibal (Editorial Journalist) et al.. 2017. VizieR.

Publications: Electronic/multimedia outputSoftware or database

VizieR Online Data Catalog: Hogg 16 peculiar stars (Cariddi+, 2018). Cariddi, S. (Editorial Journalist); Azatyan, N. M. (Editorial Journalist); Kurfurst, P. (Editorial Journalist) et al.. 2017. VizieR.

Publications: Electronic/multimedia outputSoftware or database

VizieR Online Data Catalog: MOST photometry of Proxima (Kipping+, 2017). Kipping, D. M. (Editorial Journalist); Cameron, C. (Editorial Journalist); Hartman, J. D. (Editorial Journalist) et al.. 2017. VizieR.

Publications: Electronic/multimedia outputSoftware or database