
The Faculty publishes about 670 publications every year, out of them about 60 to 70 percent of papers in Q1 journals (top 25 per cent journals ranked by Thomson Reuters). The research information system u:cris of the University of Vienna provides an overview of the publication activity of the Faculty.

Hyena paleogenomes reveal a complex evolutionary history of cross-continental gene flow between spotted and cave hyena. / Westbury, Michael V. ; Hartmann, Stefanie; Barlow, Axel et al.
In: Science Advances, Vol. 6, No. 11, 2020.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

IAG Working Group on 'Connectivity in Geomorphology': Introduction and status report. / Pöppl, Ronald; Parsons, Anthony; Keesstra, Saskia.
2020. EGU General Assembly 2020, Wien, Austria.

Publications: Contribution to conferenceOther contribution to conferencePeer Reviewed

Improvement in German Military Geology from the Napoleonic Wars to First World War. / Häusler, Hermann.
Military Geoscience: Bridging History to Current Operations. ed. / Peter L. Guth. Cham: Springer, 2020. p. 3-19 (Advances in Military Geosciences).

Publications: Contribution to bookChapterPeer Reviewed

Is children’s education associated with parental health? Evidence from the Philippines. / Abalos, Jeofrey B.; Weber, Daniela; Booth, Heather et al.
International Institute for Applied System Analysis, 2020.

Publications: Working paper

Klimawandel, Morphodynamik und gravitative Massenbewegungen. / Glade, Thomas.
Warnsignal Klima: Hochgebirge im Wandel. ed. / José L. Lozá; Siegmar-W. Breckl; Heidi Escher-Vette; Hartmut Graßl; Dieter Kasang; Frank Paul; Udo Schickhof. 2020. p. 303 - 308.

Publications: Contribution to bookChapter