
The Faculty publishes about 670 publications every year, out of them about 60 to 70 percent of papers in Q1 journals (top 25 per cent journals ranked by Thomson Reuters). The research information system u:cris of the University of Vienna provides an overview of the publication activity of the Faculty.

Ecosystem services provided by paludiculture. / Jurasinski, Gerald; Guenther, Anke; Glatzel, Stephan.
Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands: Climate protection – biodiversity – regional economic benefi ts. ed. / Wendelin Wichtmann; Christian Schröder; Hans Joosten. 2016. p. 79.

Publications: Contribution to bookChapterPeer Reviewed

Ein Stationenbetrieb zu Institutionen der Europäischen Union: selbstständiges Lernen am Beispiel des Gesetzgebungspro-zesses zu Roaminggebühren. / Brinnich, Kerstin; Raithofer, Daniel; Friesenbichler, Daniela.
In: GW-Unterricht, Vol. 141, 2016, p. 44-51.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Ejection of gaseous clumps from gravitationally unstable protostellar disks. / Vorobyov, E. I.
In: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 590, A115, 2016.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Emplacement and rejuvenation of a granitic batholith: the Valle Mosso pluton (Sesia Magmatic System). / Tavazzani, L.; Peres, S.; Sinigoi, Silvano et al.
2016. 2nd European Mineralogical Conference, Rimini, Italy.

Publications: Contribution to conferenceOther contribution to conference

Establishing criteria to distinguish oil- from methane-seep carbonates. / Smrzka, Daniel; Zwicker, Jennifer; Bach, Wolfgang et al.
2016. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Publications: Contribution to conferenceOther contribution to conference

Europäische Flüchtlingskrise: Aktuelle Entwicklung, Unterbringung und weitere Herausforderungen. / Faßmann, Heinz.
Wanderung, Einwanderung: Welche Fragen? Welche Antworten?. Paris, 2016. p. 83-103.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedingsPeer Reviewed

European cities - migration is changing the urban landscape. / Faßmann, Heinz; Franz, Yvonne; Kohlbacher, Josef.
Between Mobility and Migration: The Urban Consequences of Intra-EU Movement. ed. / P. Scholten; M. Van Ostaijen. Amsterdam, 2016.

Publications: Contribution to bookChapter

Evaluation of shallow landslides in the Northern Walgau (Austria) using morphometric analysis techniques. / Schmaltz, Elmar; Steger, Stefan; Bell, Rainer et al.
FOURTH ITALIAN WORKSHOP ON LANDSLIDES. ed. / L Picarelli; R Greco; G Urciuoli. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2016. p. 177-184 (Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, Vol. 16).

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedingsPeer Reviewed

Event-based rapid landslide mapping including estimation of potential human impacts on landslide occurence: a case study in Lower Austria. / Gokesch, Karin; Glade, Thomas; Schweigl, Joachim.
13th Congress Interpraevent 2016: Living with natural risks. 2016. p. 513-524.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedingsPeer Reviewed