
The Faculty publishes about 670 publications every year, out of them about 60 to 70 percent of papers in Q1 journals (top 25 per cent journals ranked by Thomson Reuters). The research information system u:cris of the University of Vienna provides an overview of the publication activity of the Faculty.

Photometric variability of the T Tauri star TW Hya on time scales of hours to years. / Rucinski, Slavek M.; Matthews, Jaymie M.; Kuschnig, Rainer et al.
In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 391, No. 4, 2008, p. 1913-1924.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Phytochemical and genetic analyses of ancient cannabis from Central Asia. / Russo, Ethan B. ; Jiang, Hong-En; Li, Xiao et al.
In: Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 59, No. 15, 2008, p. 4171-4172.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Pilgram, Meteorologie und Astronomie. Posch, Thomas (Interviewee); Kerschbaum, Franz (Interviewee). 2008.

Publications: Electronic/multimedia outputRadio show

Plesovice zircon - A new natural reference material for U-Pb and Hf isotopic microanalysis. / Sláma, Jiří (Corresponding author); Košler, Jan; Condon, Daniel J. et al.
In: Chemical Geology, Vol. 249, 2008, p. 1-35.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in River Floodplain Soils: Coal and Coal-derived Particles. / Yang, Yi; Ligouis, Bertrand; Pies, Carmen et al.
In: Environmental Pollution, 2008.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Predator-prey interactions between Hexaplex trunuclus (Gastropoda: Muricidae) and the black mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) in the gulf of Trieste. / Sawyer, Jennifer; Zuschin, Martin; Riedel, Bettina et al.
In: Unknown Journal, 2008.

Publications: Contribution to journalMeeting abstract/Conference paperPeer Reviewed

Predatory drilling intensities of Karpatian and Badenian molluscan assemblages from the Central Paratethys. / Sawyer, Jennifer (Editor); Zuschin, Martin (Editor).
Unknown publisher, 2008. (Journal of Alpine Geology).

Publications: BookProceedings