
The Faculty publishes about 670 publications every year, out of them about 60 to 70 percent of papers in Q1 journals (top 25 per cent journals ranked by Thomson Reuters). The research information system u:cris of the University of Vienna provides an overview of the publication activity of the Faculty.

Die Salzminerale von Hall in Tirol und ihre Charakterisierung durch Rudolf Görgey von Gorgö und Toporcz: Zur Kenntnis der Minerale von Hall in Tirol Ende es 19. Jahrhunderts. / Hamilton, Margret; Pertlik, Franz.
Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. Vol. 65 2005. p. 69-71 (Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt).

Publications: Contribution to bookChapterPeer Reviewed

Die Schlüsselrolle Istanbuls. / Nissel, Heinz.
In: Südwind-Magazin für Internationale Politik, Kultur und Entwicklung, No. 6, 2005, p. 36-36.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Digital Globes from Virtual to Real. / Riedl, Andreas.
Mapping approaches into a changing world : the 22nd International Cartographic Conference ; 9 - 16 July, A Coruña (Spain) . A Coruña: International Cartographic Conference (ICA), 2005.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedings

Dissertation abstract: Astromineralogy of Circumstellar Oxide Dust. / Posch, Thomas.
In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 117, 2005, p. 310.

Publications: Contribution to journalMeeting abstract/Conference paperPeer Reviewed

Diversity patterns of bivalves in a coral dominated shallow-water bay in the northern Red Sea - High species richness on a local scale. / Zuschin, Martin; Oliver, P. Graham.
In: Marine Biology Research, Vol. 1, No. 6, 2005, p. 396-410.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Dumortierite from the Gföhl unit, Lower Austria: Chemistry, structure, and infra-red spectroscopy. / Ertl, Andreas; Fuchs, Yves; Hughes, John M. et al.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy: an international journal of mineralogy, geochemistry and related sciences, Vol. 17, 2005, p. 173-183.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Duration of snow cover of the European Alps. / Hirtl-Wielke, Lucia.
In: Hrvatski meteoroloski casopis = Croatian meteorological journal, No. 40, 2005, p. 94-96.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Durchblick 6: Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde für die 10. Schulstufe (LehrerInnenmaterial ). / Menschik, Gottfried; Wohlschlägl, Helmut; Hofmann-Schneller, Maria et al.
Wien: Westermann Wien im Verlag E. Dorner GmbH, 2005. 64 p.

Publications: Book

Durchblick 6 - Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde für die 10. Schulstufe. / Menschik, Gottfried; Hofmann-Schneller, Maria; Wohlschlägl, Helmut et al.
2 ed. Westermann Wien im Verlag E. Dorner GmbH, 2005. 152 p.

Publications: Book