The Dynamic Atmospheres Of Carbon Rich Giants: Constraining Models Via Interferometry
- Author(s)
- Gioia Rau, Josef Hron, Claudia Paladini, Bernard Aringer, Kjell Eriksson, Paola Marigo
- Abstract
Dynamic models for the atmospheres of C-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch
stars are quite advanced and have been overall successful in reproducing
spectroscopic and photometric observations. Interferometry provides
independent information and is thus an important technique to study the
atmospheric stratification and to further constrain the dynamic models.
We observed a sample of six C-rich AGBs with the mid infrared
interferometer VLTI/MIDI. These observations, combined with photometric
and spectroscopic data from the literature, are compared with synthetic
observables derived from dynamic model atmospheres (DMA, Eriksson et al.
2014). The SEDs can be reasonably well modelled and the interferometry
supports the extended and multi-component structure of the atmospheres,
but some differences remain. We discuss the possible reasons for these
differences and we compare the stellar parameters derived from this
comparison with stellar evolution models. Finally, we point out the high
potential of MATISSE, the second generation VLTI instrument allowing
interferometric imaging in the L, M, and N bands, for further progress
in this field.
- Organisation(s)
- Department of Astrophysics
- External organisation(s)
- Université Libre de Bruxelles, Osservatorio Astronomico, Uppsala University
- Pages
- 111
- Publication date
- 07-2016
- Austrian Fields of Science 2012
- 103004 Astrophysics
- Keywords
- Portal url