A comparative study of galaxy properties in low-and high density environment

Laura-Ecaterina Rauscher, Werner Zeilinger

We present a sample of 26 small scale systems of galaxies (SSSGs) which are investigated for galaxy formation/evolution and the influence of the environment on the galaxy properties. This sample includes 15 systems of 2 or more isolated galaxies, with less than 10 galaxies within a projected area of 1h-1100Mpc and 11 systems lying in clusters. The sample of SSSGs located in low density environment (LDE) includes systems lying at similar redshift (?cz = 1000 km s-1) and within a 200 h -1100 kpc radius area, which are divided in two subsamples: systems in the redshift interval 3000 = cz = 10,000 km s -1 and systems with a radial velocity cz = 10,000 km s -1 SSSGs situated in galaxy clusters were used as a control sample, in order to compare the properties of isolated galaxy pairs (groups), and pairs (groups) in high density environments. The SSSGs in the high density environment (HDE) sample includes 11 systems of galaxies using the same selection criteria as the LDE sample, however all the systems are part of clusters. The Hamabe-Kormendy relation HK87 (Hamabe & Kormendy 1987) is a useful tool to study distributions of early-type galaxies using the classification by Capaccioli et al. (1992) in ordinary and bright classes. Bright galaxies are defined as those having MB <-19.3 and R e > 3 kpc (H0p km s-1 Mpc-1) while œe=2.94log Re + 20.75 traces the HK87 relation. Capaccioli et al. show that ordinary galaxies do not tend to distribute along the HK87 relation but fill the plane for Re <3 kpc. The photometric properties of the bright group members are displayed in the Figure 1. Œ 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

Department of Astrophysics
Astronomische Nachrichten
No. of pages
Publication date
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
103003 Astronomy
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