Large-scale asymmetries in the winds of (binary) AGB stars

Andreas Mayer, Alain Jorissen, Franz Kerschbaum, Roland Ottensamer, Walter Nowotny-Schipper, Bernhard Aringer, Claudia Paladini, Marko Mecina, Dimitri Pourbaix, Martin A. T. Groenewegen, Shazrene Mohamed

Observations of 78 Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars and Red Supergiants were carried out with the PACS photometer on-board Herschel as part of the MESS (Mass loss of Evolved StarS) program. For about 60% of these objects, the dusty wind differs from spherically symmetric and reveals a complex morphology. The majority of these asymmetries are caused by a rather simple incident, the interaction of the stellar wind with the interstellar medium. A bow shock is formed in direction of the stellar motion where the two media interact. However, also much more irregular shapes are encountered in the sample. These structures are often related to the binarity of the stellar system. Accreted material by the companion can cause nova outbursts or bipolar outflows which are relatively common. A rather rare encounter are Archimedean spirals that are imprinted in the wind which are now found for a handful of objects, among W Aquilae observed with Herschel and R Sculptoris with ALMA. The most complicated structures in the MESS sample indicate the interplay of multiple interacting influences. A prominent case is o Ceti (Mira). Its exceptionally high space motion produces a strong bow shock and its white dwarf companion drags an Archimedean spiral into the deformed stellar wind bubble and pierces it with a fast bipolar outflow.

Department of Astrophysics
External organisation(s)
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Royal Observatory of Belgium, South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO)
Publication date
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
103003 Astronomy, 103004 Astrophysics
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