Collisionless stellar hydrodynamics as an efficient alternative to N-body methods

Nigel Mitchell, Eduard Vorobyov, Gerhard Hensler

The dominant constituents of the Universe’s matter are believed to be collisionless in nature and thus their modelling in any self-consistent simulation is extremely important. For simulations that deal only with dark matter or stellar systems, the conventional N-body technique is fast, memory efficient and relatively simple to implement. However when extending simulations to include the effects of gas physics, mesh codes are at a distinct disadvantage compared to
Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) codes. Whereas implementing the N-body approach into SPH codes is fairly trivial, the particle-mesh technique used in mesh codes to couple collisionless stars and darkmatter to the gas on the mesh has a series of significant scientific and technical limitations. These include spurious entropy generation resulting from discreteness effects, poor load balancing and increased communication overhead which spoil the excellent
scaling in massively parallel grid codes. In this paper we propose the use of the collisionless Boltzmann moment equations as a means to model the collisionless material as a fluid on the mesh, implementing it into the massively parallel FLASH Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) code. This approach which we term ‘collisionless stellar hydrodynamics’ enables us to do away with the particle-mesh approach and since the parallelization scheme is identical to that used for the hydrodynamics, it preserves the excellent scaling of the FLASH code already demonstrated on peta-flop machines. We find that the classic hydrodynamic equations and the Boltzmann moment equations can be reconciled under specific conditions, allowing us to generate analytic solutions for collisionless systems using conventional test problems.We confirm the validity of our approach using a suite of demanding test problems, including the use of a modified Sod shock test. By deriving the relevant eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Boltzmann moment equations, we are able to use high order accurate characteristic tracing methods with Riemann solvers to generate numerical solutions which show excellent agreement with our analytic solutions.
We conclude by demonstrating the ability of our code to model complex phenomena by simulating the evolution of a two-armed spiral galaxy whose properties agree with those predicted by the swing amplification theory.

Department of Astrophysics
External organisation(s)
Southern Federal University
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
No. of pages
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
101014 Numerical mathematics, 103004 Astrophysics
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