Vorticity and potential vorticity in mountain wakes
- Author(s)
- Richard Rotunno, Vanda Grubisic, Piotr K. Smolarkiewicz
- Organisation(s)
- Department of Meteorology and Geophysics
- External organisation(s)
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- Journal
- Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
- Volume
- 56
- Pages
- 2796-2810
- No. of pages
- 14
- 0022-4928
- Publication date
- 1999
- Peer reviewed
- Yes
- Austrian Fields of Science 2012
- 1052 Meteorology, Climatology
- Portal url
- https://ucrisportal.univie.ac.at/en/publications/vorticity-and-potential-vorticity-in-mountain-wakes(95e0d688-bf4c-4194-bc85-6cca1ba15da5).html