Spatial frequency analysis of hydrogeomorphic events in Northwest Namibia based on over two decades of satellite Earth observation

Janek Walk, Bruno Boemke, Florian Betz, Moshe Armon, Joel Mohren, Julian Krieger, Frank Lehmkuhl

Rare but heavy precipitation events are the fundamental driver for geomorphic activity in arid regions. A quantification of the frequency and magnitude of episodic discharge is essential for a robust characterization of flood hazards and better understanding of the poorly studied hydromorphodynamics in deserts. However, observation data from both precipitation and stream gauges often are sparsely distributed and/or do not cover a sufficiently long seamless time series. This applies, for instance, to the remote Northwest Namibia, where more than a dozen ephemeral rivers drain the Kunene Highlands towards the Skeleton Coast, yet daily river flow data for a period of several decades is only available from the Hoanib. Therefore, we apply spatial frequency analyses on time series of (i) the IMERG (V06) precipitation product since 2000 (temporal resolution: 30 min; spatial resolution: 0.1°) and (ii) the Landsat multispectral satellite imagery archive since 1999 (temporal resolution: 16 d; spatial resolution: 30 m) in order to generate spatially resolved recurrence intervals for pluvial events and floods of different magnitudes, respectively. While pluvial events are analysed for the entire catchment areas in the Kunene Region, a refined spatial aggregation of stream and floodplain sections is used for the hydrogeomorphic frequency analysis. To cater for the limitations of the Landsat imagery related to the 16-day-revisit time, we calculate spectral indices allowing for the detection of both inundated areas during flooding (e.g., NDWI) and effects sustained after flood recession (e.g., NDVI). As a novel approach, we implement the hydrogeomorphic frequency analysis directly in the Google Earth Engine environment after attributing the spectral imprints of floods to their magnitudes. For this purpose, a statistical relationship is developed between the daily record of the gauging station at the Hoanib and the multispectral surface characteristics along the river course – before transferring this relationship to the other ephemeral streams.

Department of Geography and Regional Research
External organisation(s)
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU), Stanford University, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Universität zu Köln
Publication date
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
105404 Geomorphology, 207402 Remote sensing, 105902 Natural hazards
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