The puzzlingly large Ca II triplet absorption in dwarf elliptical galaxies

Dolf Michielsen, Sven de Rijcke, Herwig B. Dejonghe, Werner Zeilinger, George K T Hau

We present central CaT, PaT, and CaT* indices for a sample of 15 dwarf elliptical galaxies (dE's). Twelve of these have CaT* ~ 7 A° and extend the negative correlation between the CaT* index and the central velocity dispersion s, which was derived for bright elliptical galaxies (E's), down to 20 km s-1 <7sigma; <55 km s-1. For five dE's, we have independent age and metallicity estimates. Four of these have CaT* ~ 7 A°, much higher than expected from their low metallicities (-1.5 <[Z/H] <-0.5). The observed anticorrelation of CaT* as a function of s or Z is in flagrant disagreement with theory. We discuss some of the amendments that have been proposed to bring the theoretical predictions into agreement with the observed CaT* values of bright E's and how they can be extended to incorporate the observed CaT* values of dE's as well. Moreover, three dE's in our sample have CaT* ~ 5 A°, as would be expected for metal-poor stellar systems. Any theory for dE evolution will have to be able to explain the coexistence of low-CaT* and high-CaT* dE's at a given mean metallicity. This could be the first direct evidence that the dE population is not homogeneous and that different evolutionary paths led to morphologically and kinematically similar but chemically distinct objects.

Department of Astrophysics
External organisation(s)
Ghent University , European Southern Observatory (Germany)
The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
103003 Astronomy
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