Complex transport and magnetism of the ternary boride YbPt<sub>5</sub>B<sub>2</sub>
- Author(s)
- Leonid P. Salamakha, O. Sologub, Alexander Riss, Herwig Michor, Herbert Müller, Berthold Stöger, Gerald Giester, Peter Franz Rogl, Akito Sakai, P Gegenwart, E. Bauer
- Abstract
Novel ternary platinum borides YbPt5B2 and LuPt5B2 have been synthesized by arc melting of constituent elements and subsequent annealing at 1020 K. The unit cell of YbPt5B2 [YbPt5B2 type, monoclinic space group C2/m, a=15.4982(6)Å, b=5.5288(3)Å, c=5.5600(3)Å, β=105.367(3)∘, single-crystal x-ray diffraction data] is composed of two structural fragments alternating along the a axis and extending infinitively along the b axis: (i) columns of face-fused, boron-filled, and empty edge-connected trigonal metal prisms, and (ii) zigzag chains of B-filled trigonal prisms connected by common edges. LuPt5B2 was found to be isotypic (Rietveld refinement of powder x-ray diffraction data). YbPt5B2 exhibits two magnetic phase transitions at Tmag1∼8K and Tmag2∼4K as deduced from specific heat, magnetostriction, electric resistivity, and magnetization data. The Kadowaki-Woods ratio of 1.22×10-5μωcm(molK/mJ)2 classifies YbPt5B2 as a heavy fermion system. A magnetic phase diagram was established, using magnetostriction and magnetoresistance data. Nonmagnetic LuPt5B2 is characterized by a simple metallic behavior.
- Organisation(s)
- Department of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Department of Materials Chemistry
- External organisation(s)
- Universität Augsburg, Technische Universität Wien, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
- Journal
- Physical Review B
- Volume
- 105
- No. of pages
- 14
- 2469-9950
- Publication date
- 05-2022
- Peer reviewed
- Yes
- Austrian Fields of Science 2012
- 105116 Mineralogy, 104011 Materials chemistry, 105113 Crystallography, 202014 Electromagnetism
- Keywords
- ASJC Scopus subject areas
- Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials, Condensed Matter Physics
- Portal url