Exploring Variability with Gaia

Franz Kerschbaum, S. G. Ansari, Laurent Eyer

The Gaia DR3 release has shed some significant light on classifying variable stars, and on the complexity of their classification. Variable Stars can also be very tricky to trace, especially if they showed their (main) variability only the past with the extreme example of supernovae. How should such difficulties be treated in future catalogues? At the same time, and as the work progresses, there are certain aspects of variability that cannot be easily analysed, without having a sufficient light curve sampling of the object. We recently undertook an investigation in scrutinising long period variables (LPV’s), as well as short period variables of pulsating stars that appear to have been missed out by Gaia, due to the current lack of available data. Much work still needs to be carried out within Gaia on the algorithms in place that should allow the automation of detection and classification of variable stars that will only be possible, after the entire set of data becomes available. Questions remain, as to the availability of data (e.g. light curves) to verify variability on suspected objects. How should those be treated, and/or detected? In this poster, we explain these findings in more details, shed some light on the difficulties in the treatment of such objects, and provide some suggestions in preparation of the next Gaia DR4 release.

Department of Astrophysics
External organisation(s)
University of Vienna, Université de Genève
Publication date
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
103003 Astronomy
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