VizieR Online Data Catalog: MDFC Version 10 (Cruzalebes+, 2019)

P. Cruzalebes, R. G. P. Petrov, Sylvie Robbe-Dubois, J. Varga, L. Burtscher, F. Allouche, P. Berio, K.-H. Hofmann, J. Hron, W. Jaffe, S. Lagarde, B. Lopez, Alexis Matter, A. Meilland, K. Meisenheimer, F. Millour, D. Schertl

The Mid-infrared stellar Diameters and Fluxes compilation Catalogue (MDFC) is dedicated to long-baseline interferometry in the L, M, and N mid-infrared (MIR) bands. It provides basic information, binarity elements, angular diameter estimates and measurements, magnitudes and flux densities for 465 857 stars, as well as flags that allow us to identify among them the potential calibrators useable in the MIR. It includes all the stars of the Hipparcos-Tycho catalogue (Cat. I/239) whose spectral type is reported in the SIMBAD database that have at least one angular diameter estimate or measurement reported at visible and infrared wavelengths. As inputs for the angular diameter, we use the following catalogues: - the JMMC Stellar Diameters Catalogue (JSDC, Cat. II/346), that reports estimates of limb-darkened disk (LDD) and uniform-disk (UD) angular diameters from B to N, providing a flag for each star indicating a degree of confidence in choosing it as a calibrator optical long-baseline interferometry; - the JMMC Measured Stellar Diameters Catalogue (JMDC, Cat. II/345), that reports direct measurements of UD and LDD diameters, made with "direct" techniques (optical interferometry, intensity interferometry, lunar occultations) from the visible to the MIR; - the VLTI/MIDI list of calibrator candidates (Verhoelst 2005), which reports estimates of LDD diameter with fitted effective temperatures; - the Cohen's list of spectrophotometric standards (Cohen et al. 1999), which reports estimates of LDD diameter derived from calibrated spectral templates. Spectral type and equatorial coordinates are taken from the SIMBAD database. We report the effective temperature and the stellar physical radius from the Gaia DR2 catalogue (Cat. I/345/gaia2), and the distancefrom its complement (Cat. I/347/gaia2dis). Radius and distance give anew (and rough) estimate of the LDD diameter. Binarity observational data is reported from the Washington Double Star Catalogue (Cat. B/wds). The near-infrared (J, H, K) magnitudes are reported in the 2MASSCatalogue (Cat. II/246). The MIR (L, M, N) flux density values are the median of the flux measurements and estimates reported in:- the All WISE survey (Cat. II/328), superseded by the WISE values (Cat.II/311) for [W1] <8 and [W2] <7; - the GLIMPSE Source Catalogue(Cat. II/293); - the AKARI/IRC All-Sky Survey Point Source Catalogue (Cat. II/297); - the MSX6C Infrared Point Source Catalogue (Cat. V/114); - the IRAS PSC/FSC Combined Catalogue (Cat. II/338), completed by the IRAS Faint Source Catalogue (Cat. II/156A), and the Point Sources Catalogue (Cat. II/125); - the COBE DIRBE Point Source Catalogue (Cat. J/ApJS/154/673); - the UBVRIJKLMNH Photoelectric Catalogue (Cat. II/7A); - the Catalogue of 10-micron Celestial Objects (Cat. II/53). - the VLTI/MIDI list of calibrator candidates; - the tables of Parameters and IR excesses of Gaia DR1 stars (Cat.J/MNRAS/471/770); - the black body model at 3.5, 4.8, and 10.5um, using the values of effective temperature and angular diameter reported in the MIDI list and the Gaia DR2; - the complete set of Cohen's standards ( The reliability of the MIR flux median value is estimated by the median absolute deviation from the median (MAD) or the range. Besides the JSDC flag which identifies the bad candidates to be used as interferometric calibrator because of their uncertain reconstructed angular diameter estimation, their close binarity, and/or their suspect object type, a complementary flag is defined to identify stars showing IR excess, extent, and/or mid-IR likely variability, see Notes (1) and (2). The combination of these two flags signals potential calibrators (201200 stars, i.e. 43% of the entries of the MDFC catalogue) useable by the long-baseline interferometers operating in the MIR, such as the VLTI/MATISSE.(3 data files).

Department of Astrophysics
Publication date
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
103004 Astrophysics, 103003 Astronomy
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