Cover Feature: Total Synthesis, Stereochemical Assignment, and Divergent Enantioselective Enzymatic Recognition of Larreatricin (Chem. Eur. J. 59/2018)

Harry J. Martin, Ioannis Kampatsikas, Rik Oost, Matthias Pretzler, Emir Al-Sayed, Alexander Roller, Gerald Giester, Annette Rompel, Nuno Maulide

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all? Larreatricin is a naturally occurring lignan with a long history of use in traditional medicine. However, its absolute configuration remains unknown and its biological activity is poorly understood. An efficient total synthesis allowing for the unambiguous assignment of the configuration of its enantiomers is presented. Polyphenol oxidases show high and remarkably divergent enantioselective recognition of this secondary metabolite. More information can be found in the Communication by H. J. Martin, A. Rompel, N. Maulide et al. on page 15756.

Department of Organic Chemistry, Department of Biophysical Chemistry, Core Facility Crystal Structure Analysis, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Mineralogy and Crystallography
Publication date
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
104015 Organic chemistry, 104024 X-ray structural analysis, 105113 Crystallography
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