VizieR Online Data Catalog: Rotation in RGBs from Kepler asteroseismology (Gehan+, 2018)

C. Gehan, B. Mosser, E. Michel, R. Samadi, T. Kallinger

Seismic global parameters, mean core rotational splitting and number ofrotational components in the oscillation spectrum of the stars analysedin the paper. Each star is identified with its KIC number (Kepler InputCatalog, Cat. V/133). Rotational splittings of gravity-dominated mixed modes were measured forfor hundreds of red giant branch stars. Zero rotational splitting valuescorrespond to stars nearby pole-on, where only one rotation component isvisible and no measurement of the mean core rotational splitting is possible. Evolutionary stages are identified from Vrard et al. (2016,Cat. J/A+A/588/A87). The period spacings measured by Vrard et al. (2016,Cat. J/A+A/588/A87) were used as first estimates and refined in this paper.(1 data file).

Department of Astrophysics
Publication date
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
103004 Astrophysics, 103003 Astronomy
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