Third-party Funding Service & Calls

Are you looking for the right funding programme? Are you planning to submit an application for a research project? Do you have questions about how to start a project? The FGGA's third-party funding service will be happy to advise you!

For administrative questions during the project, we will be happy to provide contact points to the corresponding service units of the University of Vienna (Accounting & FinanceResearch Services & Career DevelopmentHuman Resources & Gender Equality).

Important third-party funding information

Current and useful information on third-party funding topics can also be found in the u:wiki of the Research Service (login required).

FGGA Third-party funding service - Contact

Dean's office of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II)
1090 Vienna

  • Dipl.-Biol. Dr. Annekatrin Enge

    Room: 2A509
    T: +43-1-4277-53008
  • Stephanie Höbart, MSc

    Room: 2A503
    T: +43-1-4277-53010

Open calls & information events (selection)

Please find below a selection of open project calls and the associated information events focussing on the research topics of our Faculty. The calls are sorted by submission deadline (calls with the possibility of ongoing submission at the end) and can also be filtered by target group.

For further interesting events and training courses for acquiring third-party funds please have a look at the seminar and training programme of the service units Research Services & Career Development and Human Resources Development.


Date: 26.03.2025, 14-15h (Zoom)


Deadline: 27.03.2025, 12:00 (Vienna local time)


Date: 27.03.2025, 13:00-17:00

To explore integrating SRS with other technologies to develop reliable biodiversity indicators.


Deadline:31 Mar 2025




Deadline: 17.03.2025 (Univie) / 31.03.2025, 14:00 Vienna local time (FWF)

Aimed at consortia of three to seven internationally outstanding...


Deadline: 31.03.2025

Der Hochschuljubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien vergibt alljährlich Förderungsmittel.


Date: 03.04.2025 08:00–17:00 (Brussels time) Brussels, hybrid


Date: 04.04.2025, 10:00-11:30

Provide an overview of US federal funding and a few international funders


Deadline: 7 Apr 2025