Equipment Portfolio

Our Equipment Portfolio allows you to browse scientific and experimental infrastructure of our faculty using a range of search criteria. Of course, our devices are not only available to faculty members, but also to researchers outside the faculty or university in the framework of a research cooperation. For every device, a contact person can provide advice on measurements.

Faculty members are only charged for the operating costs as well as for the proportional regular maintenance costs. People outside the faculty who use our equipment are additionally charged for the proportional repair costs incurred. Outside of the university, depreciation is included in the proportional total costs.

Please refer to the relevant contact person if you require further information or if you want to use a device. For general questions regarding the faculty’s infrastructure, please refer to the Vice Dean for infrastructure.

All our large-scale facilities are listed at the webpage of BMBWF (Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research) under Research Infra­structures in Austria.


Information about the search function
You can either search all entries for a particular term (e.g. name of the devices; contact person...), or use the filter to display all devices of a certain category. Unfortunately, it is not possible to combine these two search methods. If you want to change your selected category after conducting your search, you first have to select [All categories].

For a list of all devices at an institute/department, enter a core term of the English institute name (e.g. mineralogy) in the search field.

Leica- GNSS Measurement device

GNSS- Measurement devices to gain position data based on current and future global navigation satellite systems (GNSS; GPS L2, GPS L5, GLONASS,...

Field devices

Liquid Permeameter

Benchtop Unsteady State Relative Liquid Permeameter, Liquid Permeameter Vinci BPS 350

Soil properties analysis

Mass spectrometer

Agilent 8800 Triple Quad inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometer, with reaction/collison cell technology

Spectrometry / Spectroscopy

Mass spectrometer

Agilent 7900 inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometer, with reaction/collison cell

Spectrometry / Spectroscopy

Metrohm Titration set up

Titration setup, Metrohm, universal use for titrations


Spectrometry / Spectroscopy

Micro computer tomography (M-CT)

Skyscan 1173 Desktop-Micro-Computertomogrph (Bruker), X-ray source: 40-130kV, 8W, <5µm spot size. Maximum object size: 40mm in diameter, 200mm in...

Soil properties analysis

Micro Mill System

MicroMill is a microsampling device designed for high resolution milling to recover sample powder for chemical and isotopic analysis. Additionally the...

Sample preparation

Micro Rain Radar

Metek MRR Pro, meteorological radar profiler for Doppler spectra of hydrometeors

Field devices

Micro scales

Micro scale of Sartorius Cubis MSA 6.6 S-000-DM

Sample preparation


Horiba Fluorolog-3 spectral fluorometer, including fibre-coupling to an Olympus BX series miroscope, for excitation analysis of electronic...

Spectrometry / Spectroscopy