[AWARD] Wladimir Köppen Award


The Wladimir Köppen Award includes a cash component of 5,000 euros and is awarded by Universität Hamburg’s Cluster of Excellence “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society” (CLICCS). Its purpose is to recognize outstanding dissertations written by young researchers. Deadline: 31 Jan 2025

Each year, CLICCS nominates excellent doctoral theses in climate and Earth system research for the Wladimir-Köppen-Award. The award is worth €5,000 and targets excellent doctoral dissertations with a focus on climate research. From 2009 to 2018 the Köppen Prize was awarded by the Cluster of Eczellenz CliSAP. Since 2019 the Cluster of Excellence CLICCS has taken over this role.

Application requirements

The award is awarded annually to talented young scientists who fulfill the following criteria:

  • who have completed their doctorate in a German-speaking country,
  • have completed a doctorate in German or English,
  • the work should not have been completed more than two years ago at the time of application
  • and candidates should not be older than 30 at the time of completion of the work. Child-raising periods and care obligations will of course be taken into account.

Who can make a recommendation and what should it contain?

Supervisors, professors and group leaders can propose candidates and submit a letter of recommendation. In addition to the letter of recommendation, we require:

  • a digital copy of the proposed doctoral thesis (as a pdf)
  • a curriculum vitae of the candidate.

The award jury

The award jury consists of specialists with great expertise in areas relevant to the topics nominated. CLICCS Scientific Steering Committee selects all jury members. The jury reviews all doctoral theses before completing comparative evaluations and providing the Steering Committee with recommendations. The final decision is based on the jury’s assessment.


More information can be found following the link below.

Last updated: 04.12.2024