[CALL] ERC Proof of Concept 2023


Deadlines: 21 Sep 2023

For PIs of ERC projects exploring the commerical and societal potential of their research

The ERC Proof of Concept (ERC PoC) 2023 funding is available to principal investigators in ERC projects (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced or Synergy) only. PIs must be able to demonstrate the relation between the idea to be taken to proof of concept and their ERC project in question. PoC grants aim at maximizing the value ERC-funded research and verifying its innovation potential.

Funding: EUR 150.000 

Running time: 12-18 months

Submission deadline 2023: 21 September


Please inform the EU-funding team about your intention to apply: eu.fsib@univie.ac.at 

Please contact the TTO for advice on IP issues, patents and commercialisation of research results: techtransfer@univie.ac.at